Red Jaffa: Forum Genetics

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Digging through my fem seeds and decided to pop one of these... Someone sent these to me back when I first started growing... As I'd never heard of them before I naturally want to cee what it's about... Nothing special, just Mother Earth Groundswell soil and Megacrop...20220203_160521.jpg20220203_160510.jpg

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
So what it is is a cross between McPurple and Tangerine Explosion...Thc dominant... I should expect bushy plants that flower for 8 to 9 weeks
Height: Medium to tall
Sweaty, black hash,tangerine smell and taste
Color will definitely pop up
This is the only picture that I could find of it
Looks like some goodness
I don't think they produce these seeds anymore I'm definitely going to do something if it turns out to be some fire27121700532521909_2x.jpg

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Hope I'm doing this right... It's really just a learning experience and a way to kill time while I figure out how to build my own soil...

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Wish I would have put her in a bigger pot so I could stretch her out more... This plant is just weird from the start...20220307_011015.jpg