red hairs?


Well-Known Member
well the white hairs are starting to turn red/pink and some purp is forming on my buds. they are bagseed and are freaking awsome the way they have made such sticky resiny buds so far/

holw long from the start of the hairs going red is it till the plant is ready for harvest? how long till they are 80% red?

and on this the bottom fans ar starting to yellow(normal, I know) and are working their way up nd in, so I know time is near. given the current state they are in how much more bud will form.?

As far as my spec,,, i am using some (i think some kush/skunk mixer) bagseed from some unusually preped and strong ass mids i had gotten this yr. they looked fluffy at first but are getting dense!


Well-Known Member
I dont have access to a good camera that will show ANY details. but I also am not sure if posting pics is safe yet. from a cell phone at least.
and im really racing the frost thats coming soon. we always get one so i have about 12-15 days availible.