recomendations please


Well-Known Member
Butane is spendy and im not rich.
However I think it would be in my best interest to recycle the butane. What I need is you to point me to an entry level device but not a toy.

I dont mind making several small batches so it dosent need to be huge.



Well-Known Member
I think to recycle you need to have a pretty big and elaborate closed loop system stating at like 2000 dollars u.s
I was afraid of that.
Its like a catch 22 for the home hrower.
if you arent selling it isexpensive to buy fresh butane not to mention the safety factor.
Ill keep checking in to see if anyone else has a solution.
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Well-Known Member
Fadedawg, what do you think of the butterfly dump valve option? Isnt the upstream restriction making this rather pointless or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it gains either. Maybe to help with soaks, but I just turn the Lil Terp upside down if I want long soaks.
I suppose I'll have to play with their dump valve setup... perhaps they have the solvent vessel above the dump valve with a non restricted diameter plumbing to more evenly/rapidly flood a large diameter column?