really happy and questions


Well-Known Member
hehe ive noticed my very 1st canna plant appearance mwuhahahha ill get a camera soon enough.

1q- the plant is growing not wear i drectly planted it its 1/2 in. off the center. well it has a bent stem . this was the seed planted pointy end down.

2q- when can i start feeding with nutes and how often ?? every 3 time i water?(which would be every 2-3 days or 1 if i mist instead) meaning nutes once every week or 1.5 a week

3q-its on 18/6 under floros should it be 24hr a day ?? (and when should i start 24h?)
oh yah its my 3 day from wen i planted 6 days in total since germ.

never loved anything so much. maybe its cuz it doesnt talk or argue back. (and no i dont vent my probs to it. lol)


Well-Known Member
1) It should still grown fine

2) I don't start nutes until I see 3-4 nodes on my plant, but you can give it low doses as early as 1 week, this also depends on your growing medium.

3) People debate over the effectiveness of 24 hour lights. From my own experience it doesn't really make much of a difference, plants still grow in the dark. I also like to keep things as natural as possible so I do 18/6.



Active Member
ok well don't worry about its position being off, and you can start a weak strength solution of nutes when they're about 2 weeks min.(they will be ok until then) use like 1/4-1/2 strength first couple weeks. like every 2 waterings use nutes. if u see nute burn, just use water for the next couple. For the lighting, your plants need a dark period so just keep it to 18/6 and you'll be ok.:weed: congratulations on your new babies and i hope they turn out female.:leaf: