really dumb but i cannot work this site :(


Hi to anyone.
from UK. newbie. i simply cannot upload pics to album. i don't have the upload pictures button i have been into album. into networking . no picture upload???
please can someone help me?
many thanks


Well-Known Member
make sure its a jpeg, go to manage attatchments, upload, and just pic which files you want. maybe take screen shot if you keep having this problem, im sure admin wouldnt mind helping you out too.
nail on the head siddhartha2 this is quite a common occurance..

welcome to RIU warmblood, look out for uk threads advice is more appropriate to climate, law etc and remember, loose lips sink ships



Thanks for replies. guess it's either a browser or posts nbr issue.
Shame. i was quite excited about my first babe. Britganja, thx. will keep that in mind. Do u think pics n gro posts are a nono ?? not very computer literate and paranoid about big bro ! :(
nice to see/read other ppls experiences tho.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for replies. guess it's either a browser or posts nbr issue.
Shame. i was quite excited about my first babe. Britganja, thx. will keep that in mind. Do u think pics n gro posts are a nono ?? not very computer literate and paranoid about big bro ! :(
nice to see/read other ppls experiences tho.
depends where you are, i still post pics honestly cause pictures arent enough evidence for the feds, especially if your just doin small shit.


depends where you are, i still post pics honestly cause pictures arent enough evidence for the feds, especially if your just doin small shit.
well i don't think i am any threat to the national economy and won't be financing any wars or revolutions just yet..:) That said... where i live there really isn't a great deal else for em to do than hassle small time ppl. :(


Well-Known Member
well i don't think i am any threat to the national economy and won't be financing any wars or revolutions just yet..:) That said... where i live there really isn't a great deal else for em to do than hassle small time ppl. :(
then just delete your uploads after people give you advice, i dont think theyd have nearly enough evidence though, idk what country you live in but they need a warrant here and it take a lot to get a warrant down here.