Real or fake Grav Lab?


New Member
picked this up yesterday, was looking at pictures of other grav lab nanos and realized that most of them have a different tag. normally "nano" is in big vertical letters and "grav" is in small horizontal letters. is it a fake? maybe this is just an older version? looking for opinions, thanks guys
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Well-Known Member
I got a heady grav labs spoon.. So from my understanding they are Austin Tx but I think they started importing


That looks like a real piece to me. We deal with a lot of Grav Labs products and from what I can tell they seem to have a lot of different labels that all vary in color and design. It has struck me as odd before also, but they do have a large number of artists working for them which may have something to do with that. It could be a way for the company to track which artist made which piece.