Real expert needed to prove a point to some other not-so-"experts"

A very, very long story, condensed as much as I can. If there's any truth in the therapeutic benefits of writing, then please bear with me - this is a "session":

Someone decided to make some "alterations" to my two plants last night.

"Ted" and I decided that a small grow closet could financially benefit the struggling household, and so after receiving permission from him (he's the home-owner), I paid for, designed, and built a really sweet little eco-system for some...tomatoes.

For months, I studied plants. I purchased several books and read them all, front-to-back, twice. I lurked on these forums for hours each day. I sought advice from several growers whose successes I witnessed (and partook of) first-hand.

And even when I felt I was ready, it seemed that I wasn't. As things got underway, my learning continued.

For three months, I alone tended to the plants. Ted would come down just to look at them from time to time, and I'd give him updates on how the tomatoes were doing. Because I had paid for all the materials and was single-handedly taking care of the plants - and all of this was all happening in Ted's home, it was settled that we would split the profits down the middle, once the tomatoes were ready for market.

On more than one occasion, I had to speak with Ted regarding the importance of keeping things quiet. First, he decided to show his brother and nephew the grow-room. Later on, his cousin. I explained to him that the first rule of the grow-room is "no-one knows about the grow-room".

I also had several conversations with him about who was growing the plants. We'd talked many times about how no-one else was to have any part of the operation, let alone know about it.

Just yesterday, Ted's aforementioned cousin (we'll call him slack-jawed Moe), who's afflicted with one of the worst cases of know-it-all syndrome I've ever come across, made some off-handed remarks about how the plants should be grown. Even when he first saw them a month ago, he matter-of-factly stated they weren't "tall" enough.

And I told Ted just the other day that, while he may be good at building cabinets, slack-jawed Moe doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Ted is well-aware of his cousins know-it-all personality, which makes the story that much more humorous.

I usually lock the room at night, or when I leave the house. I keep the keys on me, but I have an extra set hidden in my bedroom.

I had gone out last night to run some errands. Halfway to town, I get a call from Ted - he'd like to know where the key is, because his tomato-salesman friend (we'll call him "Dick") wants to check out the room. My immediate response was, "I have the key with me", but aware there's an extra set, he pushed the issue until I finally, and as reluctantly as I think I've ever been, conceded and told him where the other key was.

I rationalized it in my head - this guy deals with weight. He's very much "in the game" as far as tomato-distribution. He's always got tomatoes on him. He's been in the tomato business since before I was born. And besides, he's the one who gave us the seeds! Knowledge of our tomato growing will remain safe.

But, to my amazement, I discovered that there's a close second-place on the shit-scale to getting caught growing tomatoes:

When I got home, I went in to look at my plants. I always do that - but knowing that others had been in there when I wasn't home somehow made checking things out seem that much more important.

On first sight, everything looked fine. The tomatoes were looking beautiful. Then it sunk in that the plants themselves didn't look quite the same as they did earlier in the day.

There was a pair of scissors lying on the floor next to the pots, and it dawned on me that someone had cut ALL of the leaves off the plant, and actually fully-manicured all of the leaves off each of the buds.

Call me stupid, but nowhere in all of my studies did I read that cutting healthy leafs off of still-growing plants was a good idea. In fact, all of my research (and common sense) tells me:

A. Plants get their energy from the process of photosynthesis. The leaves of plants act similarly to "solar panels" which absorb light energy and convert it into food, which feeds the rest of the plant, including the fruit-bodies.

B. Considering A, the leaves are there for a reason. They serve a critical function to the life of a plant. Cutting should be kept to a minimum during the vegetative phase, and pretty-much avoided during flowering, because they are prone to stresses which can lead to unwanted chemical changes, including hermaphroditism. Trim dead or nearly dead leaves only.

C. The leaves droop down and curl over the curing buds, which act as a protective barrier against dust, mold, and/or other airborne contaminates. A full manicure should only be done once the leaves have reached a certain level of flaccidity (ie., are dry).

C. Fully manicuring a still-growing plant (in this particular case, there was a good three weeks to a month left of flowering) is just never done. I've been able to find only one post here at RIU where a new member asked the community if they should manicure their live plants, and the response was similar to A through C here - that basically, no, you shouldn't. I have never read anywhere that live buds should be stripped of all their leaves at any stage of the growing process.

And finally:

D. No-one had the right to even suggest that anything be done to my plants, in my grow-room, let alone actually do it.

It turns out, ironically, that it was know-it-all slack-jawed Moe and Dick who'd made the suggestion to Ted, who proceeded to butcher my plants. These two were referred to as "experts" by Ted during a very heated argument which erupted after I'd confronted him about what happened.

I asked Ted, as a person who knows nothing about plants and didn't even so much as water the plants one time, why he thought it would be acceptable to do what he did, and to do it without even talking to me about it first. That's when he told me that he had two "experts" suggest it to him. (UPDATE: Ted recently flat-out denied to my girlfriend that he ever said that, and when I confronted him about it he tried to excuse himself by saying he'd said it during the heat of the argument, and that Slack-Jawed Moe had nothing to do with it - even though I heard Moe say that night that "the plants needed to be cut") I told him that it didn't matter who suggested it - it wasn't his or anyone else's place to even touch the plants I had worked so hard to grow. He then explained to me that "Dick" has been to Amsterdam. Yes, he actually tried to use that argument.

Well, I told Ted that I didn't care if Johnny Appleseed came over and suggested ways to tend the plants - that what he did was wrong for many reasons, that he "f@$ked up", and needed to admit it.

Ted, who often uses yelling and violence to get his points across, then began trying to justify his actions further by screaming, "This is MY house! I won't humble myself to YOU!".

Needless to say, the situation is only getting worse. Ted's wife even decided to jump on board and tell me that the plants needed to be cut because I "have no idea what I'm doing - the plants looked like shit, and you didn't have much luck with those mushrooms ya grew last year, either!" I'm told I'm no longer welcome here and need to move out tonight.

So, were the "experts" correct? Was it a good idea to fully manicure all the leaves off of a still-growing plant?

And what would YOU do if someone had decided to "help" you by going behind your back and making changes to your grow?

benny blanco

Active Member
Honestly I would move out ASAP and after I do that I would fuck his ass up. But I would move out ASAP. A man mad can do a lot of stupid things. You don't want any issues


Active Member
yep they fucked up, that is a horrible old myth that gets passed from one bad grower to another. even if it were true i thought you werent supposed to do it until the last two weeks of flowering. its gonna be kinda hard to finish those plants with all the lights and equipment gone. :D

No comment on touching someone else's plants....:fire::fire::fire::finger:
yep they fucked up, that is a horrible old myth that gets passed from one bad grower to another.
Yeah, they said it would "make the buds bigger". Can you f$@king believe that?

even if it were true i thought you werent supposed to do it until the last two weeks of flowering

Oh, I see. That's the myth - to manicure live buds two weeks before harvest.

its gonna be kinda hard to finish those plants with all the lights and equipment gone. :D
Well, aside from its actual value, I have nowhere else to grow. Almost four months and $2k completely down the drain because of someone else's bad decision. And the kicker is, they can't even admit they were wrong or offer me a genuine apology.

As for touching someone else's plants - Ted justified it by saying "It was 50/50! Those plants are half MINE!"

When I tried to explain to him that he doesn't know anything about plants, had nothing to do with the cultivation or care of the plants, that the 50/50 split was actually for the end product, and that his decision had a very big and very negative impact on the plants, he just threatened to take me outside and punch me in the face.

I told Ted's wife that they were my plants, in my grow-room, and that I was giving 50% to her husband. She very sarcastically replied, "Oh, well how generous of you!"

Yeah, I think it is pretty generous of me! Ted gets to sit on his ass and watch television, while I grow tomatoes for him. He didn't have to put in a dime, or any real effort at all! $2000 worth of lighting, soil, pots, nutrients, meters, fans, ducting, humidifiers, chains and pullies - EVERYTHING. I hand-built and wired all of the lighting assemblies, the reflectors...Damn, I'm not trying to gloat, but the truth is the truth. It amazes me to no end, that he thinks he can justify his incredibly stupid actions by throwing in my face that it's half his. Well, his 50% never got a chance to grow - and he can give me all the half-hearted apologies he wants, but he's going to learn for once in his life that there are consequences for his actions.


Active Member
Bummer... they really screwed you, and themselves up.

You don't want to grow somewhere that your partner is parading people through to show off....worst move of all.

Time to move on, I would pick out the worst half of the plants and leave them with your "partner" and do the best I could with what remains...somewhere else.

Stupid people suck


Well-Known Member
A very, very long story, condensed as much as I can. If there's any truth in the therapeutic benefits of writing, then please bear with me - this is a "session":

Someone decided to make some "alterations" to my two plants last night.

"Ted" and I decided that a small grow closet could financially benefit the struggling household, and so after receiving permission from him (he's the home-owner), I paid for, designed, and built a really sweet little eco-system for some...tomatoes.

For months, I studied plants. I purchased several books and read them all, front-to-back, twice. I lurked on these forums for hours each day. I sought advice from several growers whose successes I witnessed (and partook of) first-hand.

And even when I felt I was ready, it seemed that I wasn't. As things got underway, my learning continued.

For three months, I alone tended to the plants. Ted would come down just to look at them from time to time, and I'd give him updates on how the tomatoes were doing. Because I had paid for all the materials and was single-handedly taking care of the plants - and all of this was all happening in Ted's home, it was settled that we would split the profits down the middle, once the tomatoes were ready for market.

On more than one occasion, I had to speak with Ted regarding the importance of keeping things quiet. First, he decided to show his brother and nephew the grow-room. Later on, his cousin. I explained to him that the first rule of the grow-room is "no-one knows about the grow-room".

I also had several conversations with him about who was growing the plants. We'd talked many times about how no-one else was to have any part of the operation, let alone know about it.

Just yesterday, Ted's aforementioned cousin (we'll call him slack-jawed Moe), who's afflicted with one of the worst cases of know-it-all syndrome I've ever come across, made some off-handed remarks about how the plants should be grown. Even when he first saw them a month ago, he matter-of-factly stated they weren't "tall" enough.

And I told Ted just the other day that, while he may be good at building cabinets, slack-jawed Moe doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Ted is well-aware of his cousins know-it-all personality, which makes the story that much more humorous.

I usually lock the room at night, or when I leave the house. I keep the keys on me, but I have an extra set hidden in my bedroom.

I had gone out last night to run some errands. Halfway to town, I get a call from Ted - he'd like to know where the key is, because his tomato-salesman friend (we'll call him "Dick") wants to check out the room. My immediate response was, "I have the key with me", but aware there's an extra set, he pushed the issue until I finally, and as reluctantly as I think I've ever been, conceded and told him where the other key was.

I rationalized it in my head - this guy deals with weight. He's very much "in the game" as far as tomato-distribution. He's always got tomatoes on him. He's been in the tomato business since before I was born. Knowledge of our tomato growing will remain safe.

But, to my amazement, I discovered that there's a close second-place on the shit-scale to getting caught growing tomatoes:

When I got home, I went in to look at my plants. I always do that - but knowing that others had been in there when I wasn't home somehow made checking things out seem that much more important.

On first sight, everything looked fine. The tomatoes were looking beautiful. Then it sunk in that the plants themselves didn't look quite the same as they did earlier in the day.

There was a pair of scissors lying on the floor next to the pots, and it dawned on me that someone had cut ALL of the leaves off the plant, and actually fully-manicured all of the leaves off each of the buds.

Call me stupid, but nowhere in all of my studies did I read that cutting healthy leafs off of still-growing plants was a good idea. In fact, all of my research (and common sense) tells me:

A. Plants get their energy from the process of photosynthesis. The leaves of plants act similarly to "solar panels" which absorb light energy and convert it into food, which feeds the rest of the plant, including the fruit-bodies.

B. Considering A, the leaves are there for a reason. They serve a critical function to the life of a plant. Cutting should be kept to a minimum during the vegetative phase, and pretty-much avoided during flowering, because they are prone to stresses which can lead to unwanted chemical changes, including hermaphroditism. Trim dead or nearly dead leaves only.

C. The leaves droop down and curl over the curing buds, which act as a protective barrier against dust, mold, and/or other airborne contaminates. A full manicure should only be done once the leaves have reached a certain level of flaccidity (ie., are dry).

C. Fully manicuring a still-growing plant (in this particular case, there was a good three weeks to a month left of flowering) is just never done. I've been able to find only one post here at RIU where a new member asked the community if they should manicure their live plants, and the response was similar to A through C here - that basically, no, you shouldn't. I have never read anywhere that live buds should be stripped of all their leaves at any stage of the growing process.

And finally:

D. No-one had the right to even suggest that anything be done to my plants, in my grow-room, let alone actually do it.

It turns out, ironically, that it was know-it-all slack-jawed Moe and Dick who'd made the suggestion to Ted, who proceeded to butcher my plants. These two were referred to as "experts" by Ted during a very heated argument which erupted after I'd confronted him about what happened.

I asked Ted, as a person who knows nothing about plants and didn't even so much as water the plants one time, why he thought it would be acceptable to do what he did, and to do it without even talking to me about it first. That's when he told me that he had two "experts" suggest it to him. I told him that it didn't matter who suggested it - it wasn't his or anyone else's place to even touch the plants I had worked so hard to grow. He then explained to me that "Dick" has been to Amsterdam. Yes, he actually tried to use that argument.

Well, I told Ted that I didn't care if Johnny Appleseed came over and suggested ways to tend the plants - that what he did was wrong for many reasons, that he "f@$ked up", and needed to admit it.

Ted, who often uses yelling and violence to get his points across, then began trying to justify his actions further by screaming, "This is MY house! I won't humble myself to YOU!".

Needless to say, the situation is only getting worse. Ted's wife even decided to jump on board and tell me that the plants needed to be cut because I "have no idea what I'm doing - the plants looked like shit, and you didn't have much luck with those mushrooms ya grew last year, either!" I'm told I'm no longer welcome here and need to move out tonight.

So, were the "experts" correct? Was it a good idea to fully manicure all the leaves off of a still-growing plant?

And what would YOU do if someone had decided to "help" you by going behind your back and making changes to your grow?
A familiar tune...!

I feel for ya, Bra. They were wrong to touch your plants. How severe was the trim? Literally, 'every' large fan leaf?

You learned several lessons here, and I am going to learn (again) from your experience. Thanks! Everybody is an expert when it comes to growing weed... Good news is, it's a weed! Unless you actually do get some sort of disease from the major cut job, your plants will likely be fine - and may actually prosper from the trim. As you say - getting a disease from an untimely trim job at 4+ weeks would be bunk. Hopefully Teddy boy used a nice sterile blade and cleaned it often between cuts. Hope your environment is clean, stable, and disease-free. I hope your plant material was healthy enough to withstand the trim and resist harmful bacteria.

Any cut or wound on a plant is an easy path for disease and pathogens, etc. Defoliation is a relatively common and controversial practice (I do a little of it myself), and if you end up with a healthy plant with fewer fan leaves, the lower bud sites are afforded more light and, in theory will produce more bud. Of course, you need some fans to process the light. I feel you need to be real selective--and timely--about defoliation strategies. Normally, your last major pruning should be done by 2 weeks into flower - give or take depending upon the strain. This technique of defoliation is popular in large production scenarios in Amsterdam, but again, it is normally performed much earlier in the flower cycle (or late veg) under sterile conditions.

Keep the environment in check while they 'heal', and all should be well.

As for Teddy boy - he's a kook and a horrible grow partner! I didn't need to say that! haha I've learned to just let the kooks do their kooky thing with other kooks. Take the high road as you split the harvest, the equipment, and the dough. In the long run, making a clean exit from your grow with Ted is more important than getting what is rightfully yours. I learned that lesson too - the hard way! haha

Good luck!


RIU Bulldog
What an asshole. A study by some university I can remember said that familiarity breeds contempt, so the better you get to know your friends, the more you hate them. Sounds like your gonna have to move. Worse case scenario, your friends cousins or whatever are gonna tell everyone that your growing an you'll get robbed. You got pictures before and after?
Hopefully Teddy boy used a nice sterile blade and cleaned it often between cuts.
No. Teddy boy doesn't think that far ahead. Teddy boy grabbed a pair of scissors off the floor of an under-construction vegetation chamber which had been sitting there for a few weeks, and just went hog-shit on the leaves, without any concern for anything.

"How severe was the trim? Literally, 'every' large fan leaf?"
Oh, no - he didn't just cut off all the fan leaves. He actually went ahead and MANICURED each and every one of the buds. I mean, he actually cut ALL the leaves off, all the way around each of the colas, so that only the fruit-bodies remain on large stalks.

"Of course, you need some fans to process the light."
Well, there aren't any of those. There are no full leaves left, anywhere. There are some quartered/half leaves in some places sticking out of the fruit bodies, but yeah...he cut them all off. All of them.
What an asshole. A study by some university I can remember said that familiarity breeds contempt, so the better you get to know your friends, the more you hate them. Sounds like your gonna have to move. Worse case scenario, your friends cousins or whatever are gonna tell everyone that your growing an you'll get robbed. You got pictures before and after?
It feels like worst-case scenario already went down, honestly. Some "experts" came in and talked Ted into completely screwing up my plants. A bit of history: Ted and family are notorious for bad decisions - they run their lives like little kids playing house - and as the old saying goes, "shit rolls downhill".
that is odd, as ive never known tomatoes to have cola's... lol..
Well these tomatoes do! ;) And they were really nice until last night, at about 9:00pm, when the plant-science DREAM TEAM decided to "service" them.

The thing is, I plan to print these pages out and hand them to Ted, his half-breed jack-of-all-trades cousin, and his supplier - so everybody feel free to address your further comments directly to them! And don't hold back! Let it RIP!


Well-Known Member
No. Teddy boy doesn't think that far ahead. Teddy boy grabbed a pair of scissors off the floor of an under-construction vegetation chamber which had been sitting there for a few weeks, and just went hog-shit on the leaves, without any concern for anything.

Oh, no - he didn't just cut off all the fan leaves. He actually went ahead and MANICURED each and every one of the buds. I mean, he actually cut ALL the leaves off, all the way around each of the colas, so that only the fruit-bodies remain on large stalks.

Well, there aren't any of those. There are no full leaves left, anywhere. There are some quartered/half leaves in some places sticking out of the fruit bodies, but yeah...he cut them all off. All of them.
Oh. uh... oh my God. What the?


Well-Known Member
OK, I try not to make a big deal about this (to varying degrees) but I wrote for a weed magazine (SKUNK) and you can tell your buddy and Cletus The Slack Jawed Botanist that they're BOTH fucking retarded. AT MOST the only right your "friend" had was to fuck up HIS half of the plants with his advanced pruning method; and that's pushing it. HARD! Your plants will live, but the bud tops are going to start throwing elephant ear leaves to try and compensate for the missing leaves. They will produce these leaves at the expense of producing flowers. Pure idiocy.


Rebel From The North
teds a fuck up and the half breeds a fuck up and his wifes a fuck up and your way better off leaving the know nothing experts to themselves
MOVE OUT DUDE the time for you to grow will come, if you have to push the issue to grow its not the right time. plus it sounds
like way to many fuck ups know.
OK, I try not to make a big deal about this (to varying degrees) but I wrote for a weed magazine (SKUNK) and you can tell your buddy and Cletus The Slack Jawed Botanist that they're BOTH fucking retarded. AT MOST the only right your "friend" had was to fuck up HIS half of the plants with his advanced pruning method; and that's pushing it. HARD! Your plants will live, but the bud tops are going to start throwing elephant ear leaves to try and compensate for the missing leaves. They will produce these leaves at the expense of producing flowers. Pure idiocy.
No, that's cool, man - I know you're not trying to gloat. I was hoping people would give a bit of background info on themselves to help drive the point home.

Yeah, I never thought of that! If they're half his, why did he have to fuck it up 100%? Good point. I'll have to bring that up at the next board meeting.


Rebel From The North
if this thread and all the hell nos to trimming all your leaves of, then just google on the net theres more then enough
to prove your point. BUT WHY ARE YOU STILL THERE.


bud bootlegger
dear ted and your slack jawed half breed cousin...

you are both complete smacked asses.. how on earth do you think that a plant grows?? it uses its leaves as lil solar panels which in turn produce sugars and other foods that it then used to make buds.. you smacked asses.. why don't you leave your pruning techniques to your wifes neder regions and leave poor man's plants the fuck alone.. you knoiw fuck all about growing, and doesn't sound like you know much about anything else for that matter..
not albert einstein.. and neither are you.. shu shu retarded flu..


Active Member
My son lives in a setup like yours... they get half the crop, but that pays his rent! Sounds like your roomates are greedy and uneducated.

I have been growing for over 35 years.... only an idiot would pull more than a few sunleaves off any plant. And how can you stand to live with such ignorant people? The girlfriends sounds like a real winner :finger:

You need some new friends.....good luck!