Ready yet?? Pics inside


Active Member
Hey guys... here's a few pictures of one plant I've got. From the first pic you can see that it has obviously not gotten enough light and is pretty spindly...

All I'm asking is about harvesting the top bud from the plant... I know that the other bud sites arent necessarily done! I just want to trim the buds off the plant as they are ready.

What do you guys think about this top bud, though? Is this about what I'm aiming for?

Thanks for the help everyone!



Active Member
Even with the calyxs so swollen and so many red hairs? I understand that this isnt the most fully developed bud... But I'm looking for time frame as to when I should harvest... not how big it is :D


Well-Known Member
Even with the calyxs so swollen and so many red hairs? I understand that this isnt the most fully developed bud... But I'm looking for time frame as to when I should harvest... not how big it is :D

Take a look at these pics first is not ready. second is ready.

Look at the tricomes not the hairs. When the tri's go cloudy to amber thats when you harvest.


Well-Known Member
your at the same point i am at buddy, maybe a little behind. And sorry to say, but im not planning on harvesting for 4-6 weeks yet bro. That bud could only be 3-4 weeks in since flowering at most IMO. The size of the calyxes and the color of the "hairs" have relatively nothing to do with when the plant is mature. Listen to ROC man, we are only here to help. Any other questions post em bro we'll try to answer quickly.


Everyone is right you need atleast another 2 weeks on her. What light have you been using?


Well-Known Member
looks like the bud is almost ready, just light starved.but i would still wait one week just for the hell of it,,,,in the meantime get a magnifing glass or a 3o times illuminated scope...i like them better then the 60 times...broader area of view!!!!good luck and hey you made it till the end with some smoke, you win!!!!:clap:


Active Member
Yeah guys... I'm going to try and clear up my question once more. Thanks for all the replies so far!!!

Once again... I UNDERSTAND that it is spindly and light deprived. It was grown inside using LOW WATTAGE CFLS.... the conditions were not great or perhaps even GOOD but they were all that could be managed in the scenario given. That's why I'm asking about individual bud sites and not the whole plant... I read that in CFL grows usually the top bud is most developed and you can pick the buds individually if you prefer.

I will give this baby a few more weeks.... I've been going by looks and hairs, not trichomes, because I don't have the means of observing the trichomes. I hope to get one soon though.

MY MAIN CONCERN: is that these plants have a period during which they'll flower.... say X amount of days. From what I understand, this time period will remain the same X amount of days regardless of how much light the plant gets. So... that's what I'm worried about. I understand the bud is light deprived and spindly perhaps... but was wondering if it was ready to be harvested based on maturity.

Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro.... I think we all understand the question... and the answer is your top bud is not ready. Probably 1, 2 maybe even 3 more weeks. It's not going to get to a certain day or week and stop flowering or anything, so no need to worry (unless you are leaving town and need to cut it).

I know it looks ready, but it's not. You should check out my latest pics in my journal... you wanna see a bud that looks ready... I'm dying. My buds look way more 'ready' that that and I'm going to wait at least 3 or 4 more days before I think about cutting it.

You might be counting on the 8-9 weeks or whatever the websites say about your strain, but that stuff doesn't really mean too much. I feel like I should be way ahead of the 'estimated time' becuase I used a lot of light per square foot, used some co2, big hydro tank, used gravity flower hardener (which is rumored to help finish faster). My white widow is going to go 2 -3 weeks longer than she 'should' going on the strain descriptions. And I started counting from when my flowers showed, not when 12/12 started, so it shouldn't be that far... but it is.

I think this is by far the hardest part of this growing thing.... waiting when everything seems ready. If you can wait longer you will be much happier, trust us. We wouldn't ALL be wrong or lying.


Well-Known Member
Your plant actually looks really decent considering the limitations. Is that an Aerogarden lamp that you are using?

Be patient - you will be rewarded! Post some pics every 7 days from now so we can see what being patient yields.