ready for harvest?


Active Member
! jesus christ really? this thing has been flowering the same amount of time! shit last time i go with that strain haha, i have some afghan 13 plants that are already catching up to that plant and have only been flowering a month


yeah bro i just completed my first grow, i wanted to harvest sssoooo bad but everybody told me to wait. i harvested one early and let one grow and the one that i let grow was way better

Brick Top

New Member
theyre done.. not gonna grow anymore.. may ripen though..

Do you honestly believe that? Look at the color and condition of the foliage, it is not showing any signs or being close to finishing. As lush and as healthy as the foliage is and, not meaning to be offensive here, but since the buds look like they could stand a fair bit of plumping up yet it appears as if there is still some growth yet to come if the plants will be allowed to mature. The only sign of getting somewhat near to harvest that I spotted in the pictures were how the pistils have darkened, but but they have not receded much if at all by the looks of them so again I would say more time is needed.

I know the person said it was their first grow but did anyone think to bother to ask if the person knew what strain they were growing and if so ask or research and find out how long the strain's flowering time is and then ask how long the plants have been in flower ... and if not what strain it is ... at least ask how long the plants have been flowering for?

It might be handy to know a bit more info.

Brick Top

New Member
this is my first grow and im having a hard time juding when to harvest it, i would use a microscope but im kinda broke right now and dont have to cash to go get one.

Roughly $13.00(U.S.) is all you need to purchase a mini-scope that will not be spectacular but will easily do the job needed to be done.

Illuminated Microscope

Model: MM-100 | Catalog #: 63-1313
Scope it out.

A powerful 60-100x magnification microscope with an extremely lightweight and portable design. Features a built-in light that provides a bright, clear image and a rubberized eyepiece for comfortable viewing. Fits easily in your pocket to bring with you anywhere.

  • Powerful 60-100X magnification
  • Compact design provides easy portability
  • Easy-to-use controls allow for adjustable focus and zoom
  • Built-in light with on/off switch
You'll also need

  • (2) AAA



Well-Known Member
A good jewelers loupe will do the trick too, not quite as good as the ratshack. You can usually pick those up for a couple bucks at harbor freight, hardware stores, etc.

Brick Top

New Member
the first one is a northern lights / og kush hybrid been flowering since 4/19

I do not have any info on that particular cross but the shortest length flowering time I know of for any Northern Lights is 45 days and the longest is 77 days. The strains of OG Kush I am familiar with will take from 60 to 70 days according to their breeders. You are at what now, 59 days if I did all the 'gozintas' correctly in my head with my Jethro Bodine cipherin' routine. If so you likely have a bit of time to go ... but only a scope will let someone know for sure when is the best time for them to harvest so no guess for how much longer your plants need to finish will have little chance of being any more accurate than a coin-toss guess.

Brick Top

New Member
cheaper than i thought bro, thanks!

You are welcome. The Radio Shack mini-scope is not exactly the bee's knees but it will do the job for someone until they can upgrade and it is infinitely better than not having anything at all to use to clearly view trichomes.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO... they look done to me judging first set of pics.. all pistils are receded and red.. I said done growing.. which they are......................................... thc content is highest right now.. when trichs turn amber they actually lose thc.. .but what do i know :lol: i only yielded 330 dry grams in a 8 sq foot closet..



Active Member
i think i just nut a little in my pants looking at that second pic you put, anyways i went and got a microscope from radioshack. heres some pics i think it still needs a bit more time =[ not the best pics in the world but i got as many decent ones as i could

