Read through "Diagnosing Problems" cant decide *PICS*


Active Member
I apologize for the 1,000,000th post with the "help me diagnose" title, but I've read through all of the symtoms and there are a few that overlap in characteristics.

I flushed my plant yesterday due to it being grown in MG and the fact that I think I had salt build up and possibly some nute concentration. After reading coutless posts on flushing, I gatered that I should flush with 2-3 times the pot size using ph'd room temp water and then water with some water that is mildly nute or fert fortified, which I did. Today everything looks better aside from 2 things, and they are pictured below. The first pic shows what looks like MORE nute burn than before (I attribute this to 1 of two things IF its nute burn, 1. flushing caused the MG soil to release more of its "time release" ferts and thus burned my plant more, or 2. I have had, and now have more of some sort of deficiancy) I've looked up the deficiancys and it seems that it could be any number of things. So thats where im hoping to get the help from everyone.

The second pic shows the veins of the leaves getting really bright yellow and the leaves green color getting deeper and darker. The tips of the leaves also are starting to curl downward along with the "V" shape. This plant is 60% sativa and 40% Indica if that helps at all.
