Re-enlisting into the military, got a question


Well-Known Member
I'll be done with city college in June and I'm not poor, most people do not join because of the incentives. I'm doing it to serve, that's something you probably won't understand.
562 Eh? PCC or LAC?

The issue some have with TODAY's military, is that they're fighting an unjust and un-winnable war at the wasted cost of our economy and young citizens.

If you are joining to serve, I'd be curious if you know what it is you'd be serving?

Do you feel duty-bound to protect us from mean people all around the globe who want us to cease occupation and usurpation of their homelands?

Do you back the bully because he wins most of the fights or because he picks them?


New Member
I know it is disheartening to those who follow the path of least resistance (see above poster), but the vast majority believe in our military, believe in our kids, believe in our country.

In the next breath I'm sure you'd say Kennedy was a your kind of President...... oh my.

out. :blsmoke: