RATIONALISE a $300.00 cost by 11TH.STATE Consultants or THIEVES


Well-Known Member
Man these fuckers are no better than the pill mill pain clinics in florida. I live in Seattle, and the price ranges from $75-$360 for the recommendation for a year ($360 was from a gynecologist that writes them, I'm a guy hehe). Then if you get a recommendation from 1 place, none of the others will accept it, you have to get each dispensary doctor to give you a recommendation at their fee if you want to buy their products...average fee is $200/year.

Then the place I had my $200 card through got home invaded, owner shot, and the cops shut down the dispensary making my card worthless. Extremely rare to find a primary doctor that will recommend it. I just got a narcotic prescription and the doctor won't recommend herb to eat as an alternative. I begged.

Needs to be a place disabled and poor people can go, like the DMV, with a criteria you need to meet(like just having a narcotic prescription should open up edible cannabis to you as an alternative ffs), where you can pay $30-$40/year for a license. Shit make it a photo id.


That is how it is in RI your card is good anywhere but the dispensaries haven't opened yet. If you are on SSI or SSDI you pay next to nothing. You do get a photo ID.
11th state seems to be legit. Unfortunately in RI, most doctors are opposed to signing. While alcohol is legal, marijuana is STILL taboo! INSANE!


Just got word 11th State was shut down by RI DOH because they are NOT classified as a Health Care Facility. What a shame for those with no access to a Dr


Active Member
I'm assuming they'll be back, after having jumped through whatever hoops the state requires. This *does* illustrate why they charge a premium price.