Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
You feeling guilty about being an unpaid whore is completely on you. In no way have I tried to make you feel guilty about taking nude pictures of yourself and passing them out to perfect strangers on the internet to make yourself feel better. All that is completely on you. If you are proud of yourself for those accomplishments, I'm glad for you.

Stay positive there kiddo.
What you should take from this post, is that I put out on the internet...

tumblr_ljnxpzvkAk1qazntwo1_500.gif giphy.gif rat11f.gif
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Well-Known Member
That was hilarious, LOL,
when yessica stood up for her friend and see4 morphed into his egotistical meat-head cunt self and started attacking her for the first time. It reminds me of the lot of other miserable trolls that are negative lil turdballs.
Hey, he and I made up in the convo section. I get pretty punchy when someone calls me names too.

I can relate.

Plus he started sending me pictures of his peen. IT'S NOICE.



Well-Known Member
Fuck him anyway, I read all the garbage he wrote to you.
Yeah, but he was just TRYING to say whatever he could to get a rise out of me.

I've done that.

Only takes a conversation to work it all out though. Apologies were given, on both sides. And now I'm going to gun for some pictures of his tats. Because I'm pretty sure he lifts.


I don't stay mad for long. When the person is reasonable, that is.


Well-Known Member
The only unreasonable person I have really met on here that wasn't a sock puppet, is that Trousers dude.

I don't know what the hell his problem is. Impotence maybe? Fuck who knows.

He does NOT LIKE me though.




Well-Known Member
Off to go sauna at my friends place on Lake Superior.

Thank fuck the Finish people came to Thunder Bay all those years ago. I fucking love SAUNA'S

(Pronouced by the Fins: Sauuuuuuuuuuwna)

Last time I sauna'd there, we met a spooooooky ghost!


Which is TOTALLY why I was covered in ectoplasm after. Dirty Ghost.
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