Rand Paul enchants progressives in their own back yard!


New Member
I agree on Rand as well I just hope Americans can handle an honest president
after being lied to for so many years.


Well-Known Member
"a non-white majority america would simply cease to be america" - rand paul's aide, jack hunter

according to rand paul, jack hunter isn't racist though.


Well-Known Member
didn't rand paul have a spokesman, christopher hightower, whose myspace page contained images of lynchings accompanied by "happy n***ger day!"?

yep, he sure did.

what did rand paul have to say about this when it came to light?

"i have never heard a single utterance of racism from this staffer, nor do i believe him to have any racist tendencies"

wow, profiles in courage.


Well-Known Member
"CPAC is Feb. 10-12 (T/F/Sat). Bill and I will be meeting with Ron and Rand Paul. I'm in a teleconference call with Bill (and Ron Paul) tonight. Much more later. Things are starting to happen (thanks to folks like you)."

what's that? an email from white supremacist A3P leader jamie kelso about meeting with ron and rand?

say it ain't so!


Well-Known Member
"don't worry about those newsletters, dad. these racist lefties just hate it when the truth gets out" - imagined conversation between rand and his daddy.


Well-Known Member
actually, it was reported today that he's been distancing himself from his father..hellavaguy he is..not sure how though, he was his father's surrogate in the last election.


desert dude

Well-Known Member
RP has you lefties all spun up. I love it.

After 8 years of Obama and Democrat dictatorial rule, America is ready to swing back to the right and RP is there to make that happen.


Well-Known Member
So what if he has racist people on his staff?

This is America, when did we start saying it was ok to fire or not hire people because of thoughts they had?


Well-Known Member
schuylaar, we need to come up with a slogan for rend pawl for 2016.

"leave me the hell alone! rand paul 2016"

"so what if i'm racist? rand paul 2016"

"[citation omitted] rand paul 2016"


New Member
After the severe racism of the current regime Barry and Holder specifically Rand Paul would be a change
in the opposite direction. The liberals are running
scared after the ongoing disaster since 2009 thoughts of an honest president gets there panties in a bunch every time.


Well-Known Member
After the severe racism of the current regime Barry and Holder specifically Rand Paul would be a change
in the opposite direction. The liberals are running
scared after the ongoing disaster since 2009 thoughts of an honest president gets there panties in a bunch every time.
The fact they've been trying to smear the guy since 2010 or so shows how scared they are.

Proof above, they need to start smearing him two years in advance...before hes even announced his intention to run for the nomination, let alone the Presidency.


Well-Known Member
The fact they've been trying to smear the guy since 2010 or so shows how scared they are.

Proof above, they need to start smearing him two years in advance...before hes even announced his intention to run for the nomination, let alone the Presidency.
so simple, so naive.

the thing about opossum head is that we don't even need to try and smear him, he does it all to himself.

first it comes out in 2010 that his close campaign aide has a myspace page replete with a picture of a lynching, titled with "happy n***ger day!", which was posted on MLK day.

rend pawl said he didn't think the guy was racist though. he did that to himself. just call the guy the racist he is and fire him and it's not a story.

then rend pawl goes on maddow and talks about his opposition to title II of civil rights, just like desert dude, twostroke, robroy, and other racists we have on this forum. he did that all to himself.

then it comes out that he also has other white supremacists working directly for him and helping him write books with the guy who says that "a non-white majority america ceases to be america". and so he defends that guy as totally not racist too.

all this, and then we find out that him and papa are working with white supremacists like jamie kelso on his failure of a campaign in 2012.

and then we find out that he is a major plagiarist. his response?

"leave me the hell alone"

the guy just does it to himself.