

I still have 10-14 days I think, maybe longer, It's supposed to rain 5 out of the next 7 days, who knows after that. Am I screwed with a mold problem or what???


Well-Known Member
yeah I feel sorry for you man. the fucked up weather hit me after I harvested everything but 3 plants. harvested 2 before it got really fuckin bad.

and protected the last one . . .


Well-Known Member
nice set up, so is mold guaranteed, or just a possibility
just a possibility. with your girls just shake them off every hour or so. don't let the water build up for a long time.

molds need water and warmth. as far as I know. some might grow in the cold but I think it's less likely.

either way just shake them off good as much as you can.


do they need to be dry to harvest, or if they are wet do you just shake them off and hang them???? seems dangerous to put them in a dark warm area if they are wet


Well-Known Member
do they need to be dry to harvest, or if they are wet do you just shake them off and hang them???? seems dangerous to put them in a dark warm area if they are wet
yeah if you were to harvest them you'd need to go inside and shake them off until they were good and dry.


Well-Known Member
do they need to be dry to harvest, or if they are wet do you just shake them off and hang them???? seems dangerous to put them in a dark warm area if they are wet

let them dry with a fan blowing over the area, not directly on them but keep the air flowing.

Like the poster above said, try to get as much of the water off as possible and watch them close.

trim extra short because moisture will get trapped between the larger leaf material and the calyx.

My outdoor girls are going through the first real storm of the season and soaked to the bone as I write this.



Thanks again, you're in nor-cal, I'm in southern Oregon, we've been dealing with the same shit, frost at night, now rain the same front is going to hit both of us, supposed to be really windy tonite.


yeah I see you're in the bay, poplars is nor-cal, quick change in the weather two weeks ago I still had 100 degree days


I guess I'll hang on and see what happens, don't want to harvest early if I can help it. I have taken some clippings just to get by, and it's stoney but doesn't taste great, just stopped fert. about 10 days ago, expecting to hold on another 10-14 days.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again, you're in nor-cal, I'm in southern Oregon, we've been dealing with the same shit, frost at night, now rain the same front is going to hit both of us, supposed to be really windy tonite.
I am not sure how fast the front is moving, I was betting money from what I saw yesterday that this storm was gonna fly by but it didn't. It it doesnt lose power then your in for a treat cause this storm is pretty strong. The winds have already torn away a section of panda film I had around my balcony and knocked down a 5 gallon pot full of the root masses from my already harvested girls.

I brought the 3 girls I had outside in, away from the rain, gotta love container gardening


great, I wish I had that option, I couldn't move mine if I wanted, hopefully the shed she's next to blocks some wind. I also took out the inner wire protection I had and left the outer one, because I was afraid the wind would just beat the shit out of it, now the plants wet and I can see how much the wire was actually supporting it, we'll see???


Well-Known Member
great, I wish I had that option, I couldn't move mine if I wanted, hopefully the shed she's next to blocks some wind. I also took out the inner wire protection I had and left the outer one, because I was afraid the wind would just beat the shit out of it, now the plants wet and I can see how much the wire was actually supporting it, we'll see???

The biggest thing is drying them out once the rain stops, hopefully you can extend your harvest a few extra days to let them air dry before you harvest.

My blue cheese is at 80% cloudy and is now inside a top of my kitchen table, soaked...

Again, good luck