Rain and Thunderstorms for a Next Week


Active Member
i need to get my plants outside i was about to do it tomorrow,but theres goin to be rain all week with only like 2 days between of sun so what should i do


Well-Known Member
throw them out there. :)

does the rain hurt your lawn? mine neither.

it's gonna rain here tomorrow. i have some seedlings in my rapid rooter tray that are going into beer cups and going outside today. they're gonna be fine. ;)


Well-Known Member
i guess if it's hardcore thunderstorms, you might want to protect them. if it's just simple showers though, they should be ok.


It takes quite alot to kill a plant, even small tender ones. It'll just stunt them at most. The rain will prevent the roots from growing, because they won't need to travel to get water. Once it's sunny for a few days, you'll notice a huge improvement. I'd keep them inside if you can, just so their roots can grow more, if you can't keep them inside, or if they're rootbound, then I'd put them outside.


Well-Known Member
your plants will more than likely be fine. i put my plants out two sundays ago. transplanted them in the middle of a thunderstorm, rained for an entire week straight except one day. came back two days ago and they were doing great. theyll be fine dude just stake em up with something if your worried that much.