Radiokills how to smoke bottle tokes guide.


Well-Known Member
Hello Rollitup,
Radiokills here.

This is my How to smoke bottle tokes guide.

If you do not know how to smoke bottle tokes then this is the way to do it!

You'll need:
A cigarette( or a joint if you don't smoke)
A plastic bottle ( the bigger the better, but not too big)
Scissors/Knife ( I use a knife, it makes me feel cool.)

Start by gathering the required tools and have them together.
The first thing you want to do is remove the label from the bottle,
and cut a small window out of it about halfway down the bottle using the knife or scissors.



Well-Known Member
Now that you have a bottle with a window cut in it, attach the lid and let it stand.

You'll want to move on to your hash, cut off a good size chunk.
(The bigger the chunk the more smoke, but your cigarette can only support so much :P)



Well-Known Member
Now it's time to light the cigarette!

Bring your cigarette over to your hash.

It's important to have a nice cherry burning, flick off the ash before you put the hash chunk on.

Now the trick to making your hash stay and not fall off the cigarette is to lodge it slightly under the paper, the heat with make it soft and it will stick to the cherry.



Well-Known Member
Be careful not to tilt the cigarette or hit the edge of the window and knock off your hash.

I personally love watching the bottle fill with delightful hash smoke.

You'll want the hash to burn completely, if you lose sight of it burning because the bottle is becoming too white you can pull the cig slightly out the window to see if the hash rock is still producing smoke.

Looks quite white eh?



Well-Known Member
When the hash stops burning and your bottle is full of lucid white smoke, cover the window with your hand, remove the cap, bring the mouth of the bottle to your lips and haul back as hard as you can.

Exhale and repeat till you are as fucked as I am :)



Well-Known Member
Yeah and it's really easy to do, you don't need to heat up the knifes and repetition is easy and quick.