
Hating each other is human nature, if we didn't have different skin colors we would just find another basis to hate each other on.


Well-Known Member
aliens lol.

I wonder how many people are really racists? How many people really believe their race is better than others? Seems like a small section of the population.

I think more people are prejudiced towards their own race. And maybe not even race but culture.

I was 16 years old before I realized I didn't dislike all black people. Just the ones in the deep south and in my schools. That was from personal interactions with them. I then met a black guy from africa and my world view was blown. Articulate, quiet, hardworking nice guy. Thats when I realized it wasnt skin color I hated or made the man.

Over the years I still have a "you never get the benefit of the doubt" attitude with American blacks. I've been fucked over to many times to trust first. So maybe its unfair, maybe you will call me a racist, but until an american black confirms they arent niggers they get the cool shoulder.

I live in SoCal and there is a lot of prejudice against Mexicans. I dont have that ingrained in me as I didnt grow up here and havent had a bunch of bad interactions to sway my thoughts. I dont think people that think mexicans (in the us) are stereotype XYZ are racists. Prejudiced yea probably.

At this point I've now forgotten what my point was but Im going to hit submit anyway since I typed so damn much.

New Age United

Well-Known Member
I think the diversity is a good thing we just need to settle down, like TheHex said hating each other is just human nature, we hate our own family, we fight with our friends, we kill our kind just like any other kind, yet through it all we still have a conscience and try to keep our minds quite and our hearts at ease(thank god for weed). I read an interesting article that proposed the possibility that the different races actually developed from different species of primates so it wouldn't really matter if the continents hadn't split. Come to think of it if they hadn't split we woulda prob killed our selves before we got the chance to settle down.