R&R and Zigzag's first attempt at qwet


Well-Known Member
so Me and Dad (zigzag1949) are attempting to make QWET with some trim from the garden

dang wont let me upload even single pictures anyways when I can post pics will


Well-Known Member
dang was looking forward to it.

if you have to do the single pictuare at a time uploader, make sure after you pic the picture, hit that little link under the text that say upload pic. it should drop it into the text field and then you can do it all again.


Well-Known Member
was no super successful made some hash but the soak was too long and its a bit green . but was fun and will make more to get better at it


Well-Known Member
was no super successful made some hash but the soak was too long and its a bit green . but was fun and will make more to get better at it
<0F alcohol and plant material are key points. The frozen water soluble chlorophyll binding compounds keep the chlorophyll away from the alcohol, which it has a love affair with.

I like around 3 minutes for the first soak, but if you watch it carefully, you can soak it some longer before it starts to pick up green and water solubles.3 minute frozen extract.jpg