Qwiso is the best


New Member
Hey guys this is my first post. I found like at least a qp of stems in my dads room, all looked pretty frosty. I read some guides on here about how to make it and I made some like medium brown waxy stuff. (i'll upload pictures when im not stoned :bigjoint:)

I did the old bt trick. Took one big blast. Didn't really feel that high. Loaded another blast up and realized just how UTTERLY baked I am. I took a big puff, snuggled up in bed and goddamn I'm enjoying life. Really intense body high, but energetic. I feel awesome.

Anyway, I really just wanted to thank everyone here for having some good comprehensive information up so I could turn a bunch crap into some sweet qwiso. So thanks guys! I look forward to posting more.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is my first post. I found like at least a qp of stems in my dads room, all looked pretty frosty. I read some guides on here about how to make it and I made some like medium brown waxy stuff. (i'll upload pictures when im not stoned :bigjoint:)

I did the old bt trick. Took one big blast. Didn't really feel that high. Loaded another blast up and realized just how UTTERLY baked I am. I took a big puff, snuggled up in bed and goddamn I'm enjoying life. Really intense body high, but energetic. I feel awesome.

Anyway, I really just wanted to thank everyone here for having some good comprehensive information up so I could turn a bunch crap into some sweet qwiso. So thanks guys! I look forward to posting more.
holy crap, how many stems comprised the QP? That's a LOT of stems! They don't weigh much...