
soaked in sweat

Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever quit smoking weed after smoking it everyday for a long time?
I have been trying to quit and I think I'm going through withdraw. Symptoms are cold sweats and I'm having troubles falling asleep. Everywhere I've read they say weeds not addictive, why am I having troubles quitting? Any advise?


Active Member
I know this is my first time to post, But Ive lurking foe quite awhile now! Yea I had to quit for my job, I smoked everyday allday for many years, Yea the first two weeks were hard, but after that you get used to it...My wife still smokes, but I dont mind.....Actually to take the place of smoking Ive been thinking of growing for her, so I wont have to pay for it anymore...Anyways good luck with that quitting thing! If my job didnt random all the time, Id still be bogarting with her all the time..:peace: Oh yea, My sleep patterns got all jacked up while quitting.


Well-Known Member
I have had the same withdrawel symptoms, especially the cold sweats. After a week the cravings subside. Exercise helps, along with alcohol. It does throw your body for a loop but you get over it pretty quickly.

soaked in sweat

Well-Known Member
thanks, this is my 2nd day and i really want to smoke a joint but i want to quit even more. did you quit cold turkey? I guess i'm in for a rough couple weeks, I'm going to buy some beer to help.


Active Member
yeah its a tough path, try and keep yourself occupied 2, cos when I quit the moments I missed it the most was when I had nothing to do, then its insomnia time. Psychological addiction man...


Well-Known Member
it's completely different for different people. no, technically marijuana isn't addictive. it doesn't mean people don't get addicted. anyway, it could be a few days of feeling like crap, it could be an evening, who knows. just do what you gotta do and good luck not smoking!


Well-Known Member
i can go weeks without smoking, no prob. i can go months without smoking cigs no problem. i think it all depends on the individual. mind over matter...


Well-Known Member
Once a year I go on a water fast for a week and stop smoking weed for a month. I do it as an exercise in will power and to prove to my self that I dont "need" it. weed that is, i still need food lol.


Well-Known Member
Someone already said the two thing I was going to suggest, exercise and quite a bit of it. Along with alcohol... But booze is one of the worst sleep aides...
2 weeks of semi-near hell.. imo


Active Member
I joined the service and had to quit for 4+ years, wasn't really a problem. And this was after smoking often for years.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well, you're obviously a beast.. jk..
But srsly, it's kinda bad for people that have associated pot with things, like, eating, sleeping, working, etc... In other words, once these people quit, they can no longer do those things (or do them comfortably anyway)...
It gets pretty frustrating, laying in bed knowing if you could just take one hit you would have fallen asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow 4 hours ago...
I say good luck to the OP and anyone else in this dill of a pickle... :blsmoke: