Quitting Marijuana & Withdrawl Symptoms?


Well-Known Member
I question that whole withdrawal thing.....a persons mind can become the devils playground IF YOU LET IT!!!! I believe we have the power to turn the switch off at a moments notice.....just saying.....and not just talking out of my ass...i did it so i know its possible
Oh it can, I mentioned the idle mind being the devils playground on these forums less than 24 hours ago I think.. hahaha, that said - I guess if the mind has any pre-conceived notion that it will be a problem.. it could be one, and a self-fulfilling prophecy... which is still a hell of a stretch, given what we know about the human mind/psyche and how it reacts to cannabis over 10s of years of studies.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Oh it can, I mentioned the idle mind being the devils playground on these forums less than 24 hours ago I think.. hahaha, that said - I guess if the mind has any pre-conceived notion that it will be a problem.. it could be one, and a self-fulfilling prophecy... which is still a hell of a stretch, given what we know about the human mind/psyche and how it reacts to cannabis over 10s of years of studies.
I agree 100% In my humble opinion....its not the physical withdrawals that keep you there.....those pass on quite quickly.....its the mind....the state of mind that always comes back to fuck you.....I know a guy who was clean for 10 years off heroin.....had a great job...had finished college....met a great gal...married her.....then one day the demon came back to visit him.....and he entertained that demon.....it worked him over and over for several weeks before he caved in and made that fateful decision.....that was all it took....he lost everything....everything...wife...kids...everything....went back into that world for six more long years....when he finally said....I am free but I am still a prisoner of my own device.....he manned up...I watched him....he stayed at my house...I gave him refuge...I saw the pain and anguishh....it wanted to kill me to see him like that....he didnt sleep for weeks and I never left his side.....he is sober now 10 years again....has a great job...the dude was educated....has started a whole new life....I asked him the other day....do you ever think about it....said...I thought about it today but as soon it entered my mind...I put the thought right out....said...you will never have me again.....and I believe him....he is on a mission and what is really helping him is that he now speaks at different facalities that assist in addiction!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey, OP. I feel you, brother. When I was in my late 20s I thought that it might be the weed smoking that was holding me back from more rapid progress in my life, so I quit several times, once for almost a year. What did I do to take the edge off? Drinking, promiscuous sex, cigarettes, etc.. The things I noticed when first stopping weed were that everything felt too real, I mean annoyingly real. I had a greater range of emotions, from depressed to elated, several times per day. I remembered many more of my dreams, they became so vivid and lasting. And I was more of an asshole, as well. I found out that it wasn't the weed holding me back, I was holding me back and used the weed as an excuse and to numb the pain of that realization. It sounds like you may be doing the same thing; not improving in the way you should be and using the weed to numb the pain and anxiety that accompanies this process. Of course, this is simply speculation. If you find that you cannot quit/cut down and find yourself in the Chicagoland area, PM me. May as well have access to the best shit around, and it sounds like you qualify for bulk discounts ;)


Well-Known Member
Ya it was inspired by you but...that's...that's my last one cuz...well I just can't do it like you can lol. I'm only funny in my own kind of funny.


Active Member
How closed minded some people can be irritates me.

I'm on day 3 of no weed (taking a break) and I share a lot of your symptoms as do many chronic users when they quit cold turkey.

Here's a link on a study that just completed and is all over the net explaining that withdrawal is real.


And it makes sense.

THC Levels stable/increasing = good/high

THC levels not stable/decreasing = not good/not high

As you metabolize you will feel the changes in chemical levels.

Newton said it best: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"

Happy:Sad as High:Not high

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
People are annoying. Don't feel bad for speaking or acting how YOU are as a person. If I didn't have weed I would have dumped my gf a loooong time ago. I know what you mean though, burning takes away a lot of stress. But what's the source of your reaction? Money? Living? Something petty? Your grow getting busted? A lot of things can make you flip out. When it consumes your mind is when you have a problem. It def consumes me, but only in the growing aspect ;)