Quickly germing seeds...


Well-Known Member
anyone got any tips on how to make seeds germinate faster they have been germing now for about 32 hours using the wet paper towel method, do they need air to get to them, i am unsure how to do this without giving them light as well, they havent shown any signs of change though,
cheers Jolly


Well-Known Member
Keep the paper towel moist but not soaked, keep the seeds under cover, and hang in there for a day or 2 more. It will happen.


Just some idiot
If that doesn't work try putting some seeds into a glass of distilled water for no more than 24 hours, this usually does it for me. You can also try putting an emery board or sand paper in a match box, put the seeds in then shake for like 30 seconds. Some seeds really need to be softened. I'm sure if you wait though you will see some sprouts. What strain?


Well-Known Member
its afghani ryder and autoflowering strain, but on the website it said easy germination because of soft seed shells,
cheers for the help


Well-Known Member
you guys missed the most important parts....

keep your plate covered with saran, or a plastic bagie, so it won't dry out. soaking wet is just fine.

now, you want your plate to be kept WARM!!! this is the big ticket. use a heat pad, or place on a dvd player, stereo, or refridgerator; anything that stays warm but not hot.

my beans germ in 24 hours on average.



Just some idiot
I used to use my cable box. I have since moved on to a heating pad and humidity dome..works great except for these damn Blue Berry seeds..they're killing me.


Well-Known Member
I used to use my cable box. I have since moved on to a heating pad and humidity dome..works great except for these damn Blue Berry seeds..they're killing me.
i had no probs with blueberry, they just took two days instead of one...

do you have dj short's, or dutch passion's?


Just some idiot
i had no probs with blueberry, they just took two days instead of one...

do you have dj short's, or dutch passion's?
BC SEEDKING, the ones I got going are fine. Mine never seemed to lose their seeds..maybe I just got a bad batch...just hoping that I get one female to clone so I can have some. I do have four going now one in soil 3 in hydro, suprisingly the one in soil is kicking the hydro BB's little plant butts. Do you order your BB from any of the sites you listed? Good seeds?


Well-Known Member
I like to soak my beans in mason jar for atleast 12hrs before germination.
They need to be wet, dark, slightly warmer than room temp.

They do need some air here in there.
If in a sealed container open 2-3 times a day.

1.I put mine in a folded napkin that was soaked.
2.I place them on a kitchen plate and put in cabinet.
3. Try not to forget about them.
Within 24-72 hrs some should start popping.

Always plan for low birth and survival rate when growing.
You may end up with more.
This is better than little or none.


Well-Known Member
ok fast germination methods i know to work

1. put the seed on a plate just the plate and put on microwave for 5 minutes, then toss that remaining into a glass of ice cold water then into room temp water. within an hour ull see it pop out
2. take a chisel and ahmmer and tap the seed 5 times, then put into a glass of warm water. thsi method takes 5 hours
3. do what everyone else said cause i been joshin ya the whole time and if u try 1 of the 2 methods i listed, uve killed ur plant before it became a plant. and i want pics cause thats just fucken funny u listened to me.

lol be patient dude they take a day minimum even pro germinators a day


Well-Known Member
Word, Mid/KP...

Soak the seeds for a bout a day or until they all sink to the bottom of the water.

Take out and place in a sopping wet paper towel. I use warm water. Fold a few times. Place soaking wet warm paper towel/seeds into a ziplock freezer bag. Roll that up too....remove air and zip. Place baggie on saucer....place another saucer on top of that. place in cabinet above frige. 24 hours...seeds crack....36 hours...taproots. 100% success for me thus far.


Active Member
Just got Dr. Atomic Northern Lights seeds.. i figured.. not too expensive yet still a nice blend for my 1st grow.. your thoughts


Well-Known Member
Just try not to get them too damp, keep them at room temperature and be patient. Theres no point trying too hard. They will pop when they are ready. It depends on how old the seeds are aswell. Older seeds tend to take slightly longer for some reason.


Active Member
Found This In Grow FAQ...

Get a jar about 500 ml and some distilled water. Fill jar with the distilled water and add a drop of Superthrive and a few drops of rooting hormone. Shake jar vigorously for 5 mins to mix and aerate solution. Insert your seeds, all will float for the first 1-3 hours and then they will start to sink. If some seeds keep floating shake jar slightly to cause them to sink and keep the jar in a warm a place 78f-86F. Check seeds every 3-6 hours. When the seeds crack open and small taproot is visible plant the cracked seeds in preferred moisten medium 1/8"-1/4" deep. Place the containers with the seeds into a plastic bag to keep the humidity levels up keep in a warm area 78 f - 86 F. When sprouts break surface of soil remove from bag place under main growing light.


Well-Known Member
wow...lots of useful replies, my response is-

it doesnt matter if U are growing tomatoes, potatoes or pot - ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS pre-soak ur seeds. in 12 - 24 hrs some will still float, others will sink.

only KEEP the ones that SINK and dont waste time on the ones that are still floating.

WHITE PAPER TOWELS are probably one of the WORSE things to use since it contains a lot of chemicals that will harm the seed before it even has a chance. (mainly bleach)
Unless U have a particular brand that U know works for sure I'd stay away form paper towels. Brown paper towels, brown napkins, Shop towels, old t-shirts or wash towels are much better since they contain no chemicals and most of the dye is washed away.

keep humidity high
by placing a dome over the plants until it drops its shell, then remove the dome and place the seedling under light.

Keep seeds warm. room temp is fine. Dont let it get too warm or the humidity will start to drop, and dont keep temps too low or the insides of the seeds will begin to rot

Keep em dark, everyone knows roots hate light, same thing goes with the tap root, keep em in the dark till they sprout and U will have happier seedlings.
good luck


Well-Known Member
my favorite lady mogie had this to say

Sometime when germinating my seeds can take up to 6 days to show signs of sprouting.

You ever wonder why those seeds don’t germinate? Here are some things that might stop your seeds from germinating in soil!

Too Wet
Seeds need to be damp, not wet for germination. Excess water prevents oxygen getting to the seed. Poorly drained soils may also cause soil fungus diseases. The condition of wet soils may be improved by adding perlite. which will aerate your soil.

Too Dry
A certain amount of water is essential for germination, so maintaining a constant soil moisture during the germination period is vital, cover containers with glass or glad wrap to prevent you soil drying out.

Too Hot
High temperatures result in excessive soil desiccation and injury to seeds and seedlings.

Too Cold
Cold temperatures can kill seedlings and prevent germination. Cool temperatures can result in slow, un-even germination, and attack by soil diseases. You may want to start your seeds indoors, before outplanting. Make sure planting dose not done too early, when it is stll cold and there is a frost hazard.

Planting Too Deep
This will result in delayed emergence. seeds may not be able to grow enough to reach the surface on the limited food storage within the seed. Soil temperature is also lower with depth. Plant your seed 1/2 and inch to an inch down for best results.

Planting Seeds Too Shallow
If you plant your seeds to shallow the seeds can dry out.

Soil Too Firm
Making your soil mix to firm can prevent oxygen getting to your seeds also drainage is also affected.

Soil Too Loose
Soil which is too loose results in too much air surrounding the seed, and they will not absorb moisture and will most likely dry out.

Soil fungus
Seeds may root or seedlings fall over. Overwatering, poor drainage and lack of aeration will increase the likelihood of this occurring. Plant seeds in sterilized potting mix, and make sure you containers are clean.

Non Viable seeds
If your seeds have not been stored correctly they can deteriorate. Look for dark brown seeds. Avoid and light colored or whitish seeds as they are not mature.

My favorite method to stores seeds is to place your seeds in a film canister, then fill it up to the top with rice, this will absorb any moisture, and either freeze them for long term storage or place in a dry, dark cool place for a shorter time period.