Quick Temperature question!!!!


So, I been growing a while quite successfully but recently changed to bubble buckets, and I upgraded the lights to 2x digital ballasts with 600w dual spectrum bulbs.

Now for the temp question, with my 1.2m tent closed the temp gets upto 100f, is this too much???

I was previously leaving the tent open during the day and it stayed around 88f but my plants r on week 3 now so the smell is starting to come out, so I would prefer to keep the tent closed so the carbon filter is doing it's job.

Any ideas welcome!!!


One of them is yes, but the 2nd one is a basic reflector, I only just bought the 2 kits with digi ballasts and it cost me quite a bit so I thought I would see how I get on with just the 1 cooltube I already had!!!

I am aware that they say 75f is perfect but mine didn't look half as good as they did when it was higher, at 75 they looked ok, then when I let it go upto 85 they looked great, leaves reaching up for the rays!!! Lol