quick question...


Well-Known Member
On foxfarm bottle says feed the suggested amount with every other watering...So Should I feed the plant only water the second go around and then nutes again on the third watering?

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yep. If you water everyday then only feed it every other day. You would water it one day, next day give it nutes, next day give it water, and so on.


Well-Known Member
i use foxfrm nuts along with other but myu staplef da 'fox.

i water every other day with full blown nuting, but withou the nuke effect of over ferting.

basically every watering use it unless it you first 2 weeks or soo then nstart with nothing fora week then week 2 add minimal nutes increasing every watering shedule you should see about this

week ppm

1 0-250
2 300-500
3 750-1100
4 900-1450maxed out dont doit stick with 1300ppm max till flower
then start back around 700ppm with flower nutes increase every watering schedule till 1300 until final flush(harvest) or in case of nute burn/lock flush.