Quick Question about A/C??


Active Member
With the summer months coming I went and purchased a window a/c unit. The unit is a 5,200 btu unit, will this be enough to cool the room and act as an intake? room is 8'x9' and has 4 600w in it?


Well-Known Member
I use a 5000btu a/c in a 4x8 room and use 3-600w aircooled lights, and I wish I went to a bigger unit. It does cool it down decently, but it takes so long to cool it in the latter part of the light cycle that the a/c heats up the bedroom that it's in quite a bit since the door is closed. And since the air is so hot, it doesn't cool the condensor coils very well and it takes the a/c longer and longer to cool the grow room down, which in turn makes the bedroom even hotter because its running for so long. But a bigger unit might heat the bedroom up even more. Or it may cool the grow room down faster and not need to run as long. They aren't that expensive, I think your just gonna have to try it yourself if you've already bought it and see how it works for your situation, but I would get a bigger unit.
It wont act as an intake though.



Well-Known Member
I use a 5000btu a/c in a 4x8 room and use 3-600w aircooled lights, and I wish I went to a bigger unit. It does cool it down decently, but it takes so long to cool it in the latter part of the light cycle that the a/c heats up the bedroom that it's in quite a bit since the door is closed. And since the air is so hot, it doesn't cool the condensor coils very well and it takes the a/c longer and longer to cool the grow room down, which in turn makes the bedroom even hotter because its running for so long. But a bigger unit might heat the bedroom up even more. Or it may cool the grow room down faster and not need to run as long. They aren't that expensive, I think your just gonna have to try it yourself if you've already bought it and see how it works for your situation, but I would get a bigger unit.
It wont act as an intake though.
Hey Rud, How did you have the a/c set up? In a window right? I am lost at how the unit was heating up the room?


Well-Known Member
No, the window is too far away for me. I wish I could have, as it would cool better and take most of the noise out of the bedroom. I have a sealed grow room inside a bedroom and just mounted the a/c outside the grow room.


Well-Known Member
with an AC do you still run your exhaust all the time wont that suck all the cool air out


Active Member
No, the window is too far away for me. I wish I could have, as it would cool better and take most of the noise out of the bedroom. I have a sealed grow room inside a bedroom and just mounted the a/c outside the grow room.
if the ac is mounted to the grow room that means the back of the ac unit is in your bedroom??? thats gotta be hot for you!!
but the growroom its self,should be alright,just have to experment with it..
i just seeing it as your rooms going to get too hot and either the ac is going to freeze up or something will happin..and hope ya got a bucket to catch the drippin water from the back of the ac unit..Id built a vent system to the window for that ac..some drain tile,a box fan,a box the boxfan will fit in..and some duck tape will work...GHetto style.


Well-Known Member
Not my bedroom, just a spare empty bedroom. No way I could put up with that noise. The room stays fairly decent temperature wise. I pull air from outside, and there are nights where the ac doesnt come on at all, but the summer will be different as i havnt run this setup all year yet. I did have to plumb some lines in and a funnel under the ac for all the water. Did the same for the dehumidifiers as well, so it wasnt a problem to join in another line. Too cramped for space for any kind of tunnel duct, I already looked at that.