Quick nutrient question. Please help!


Active Member
Hey guys, my girl is just starting to flower.:clap: I have been giving her veg nutes her whole life and I need to know if I can just switch her straight from veg nutes to flower nutes or if I have to use pure water a couple times before switching or what:?: Any feedback would be much appreciated. Im VERY particular about my girl so please be specific.:shock: Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'd ease her into the flowering nutes, cause for the first couple weeks your plants is gonna probably want extra N for that crazy growth spurt, so I'd go with 50/50 veg/flower for a few feedings...You're in soil, yeah?


Well-Known Member
i only give 1 flower food feeding per every 2 veg feeding during the stretch phase of flower, as said before they use up a ton of nitrogen and it can be the difference between your plant doubling in size by the end of the stretch phase and tripling in size by the end of it.


Active Member
ya soil. shes in a 35 gal toy bucket w/ holes drilled in the bottom. im using Royal Gold Basement Mix and Terra Vega(NPK 2-1-3) veg nutes. but since the veg nutes are such a low NPK I've been using them every time I water. IMG0034.jpg


Active Member
has anyone ever heard of going 50/50 flower/veg for a couple watering cycles between veg and flower?