Quick Noob Question on seed storage...


Ok finally got my seeds in and was wondering how to store them properly. they are all still in original packaging inside the shipping envelope. I intend on first leanring on bag seed then using these babies.... I usually store my bag seed in the fridge in an empty vitamin container that has 2 of those noisture absorbing things in it...
Do I do the same for these?
Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
It's really not that difficult to store seeds.

I get mine either in cone shaped breeders packs or small clear plastic baggies. I keep them in my kitchen cupboard inside a wine glass.

As long as we ain't talking about years of storage then why worry yourself?


Light House

Active Member
As he said ^

Some store in freezers but I have seen some harsh damage to the shell of the seeds. Others store in fridge either of fridge or your cuboard work.

One thing in common, keep moisture out including high humidty (sweat from humidity in bag may trigger them to go) and light.
