Questions Re: Outdoor Growing And lighting


Well-Known Member
This year will be my first year of starting my plants indoors and moving them outdoors when the time is right. I usually just planted germinated seed in the ground but always wound up stressing towards the end due to frost

I live in the Northeast so I only get a max 15 hours of sunlight. June 7th starts 15 hours and Sept 25th it goes down to 12/12. I am going to plant in 5 gallon pots once I move outdoors.

Here are my questions:

1. What should be lighting be set to indoors so they don't start flowering when I first put them outside? Should I set it to 15/8 since that is my max daylight? Or will 18/6 be fine?

Thank you in advance

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Some say 18/6. I say 24/0 if you have a very good growing environment. To save a few pennies, cut the light down, and deny the plants full potential. That's the bottom line.


Well-Known Member
going from 24/0 to outdoors at only 15 hours of daylight won't cause themto go into flower?

Thanks South Texas

Blaze happy

Active Member
From experiance from a "good friend" i can tell you "his" didnt flower going from solid 24/0 to about 14/10 15/9

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i would like to try and start inside this year, then put them outside as early as the frost will let me and see if they start to flower and get a harvest by early june.
it will probly start to flower then go back to veg. but im still going to try with bagseed so it will be no big loss if it doesnt work.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Don't really understand the deal, unless you can't move them back inside daily. That is the primary problem to attempt to solve. It may suck,.... but it gives you a big jump in the growing season. If not, 15 or more hours of light should do OK, but the growth rate certainly suffers. To help a cripple, put mylar around the base of the plants, that will help.