Questions about school and possession laws.


Active Member
ok, fellas i know its bad to bring weed to school for many reasons. 1 being the dogs. so i've been thinking about last resort reasons if i absolutly need to bring some.

Idea: my school has a parking lot for the students, that you have to pay to get a permit. Say on the day a had a little bit of weed on my i parked on the street the school is off of. and it just so happen that, on that day the dogs show up. do they have the legal right to sniff my car? and if they do. do i have to open my car?

Peace Love,


Active Member
They DO have the right to walk a dog around your car. Once the dog smells your dope, that's probable cause. A case went through the supreme court last year where a guy was speeding and the cop walked a dog around his car and busted him. If your car is on public/school property, there is nothing that stops them from walking a drug dog around any car. The school has the right to search anything on school property,


Active Member
They DO have the right to walk a dog around your car. Once the dog smells your dope, that's probable cause. A case went through the supreme court last year where a guy was speeding and the cop walked a dog around his car and busted him. If your car is on public/school property, there is nothing that stops them from walking a drug dog around any car. The school has the right to search anything on school property,

Also, don't forget about the increased penalties around school zones.

All in all it would be a pretty fuckin retarded idea.


Never bring weed to school. its not worth it. Just have the patience to wait till after school to go about your weed expenditures. I had a close call once because I had hot boxed my car the night before. My car reaked and it just so happened that the dogs came the next day to our school. I had some shake in my car but luckily the dogs didnt hit it. Ive never been more paranoid and freaked out. Its not worth the mental pain. Trust me bro just dont do it.