Questions about my mother plant.

I started this as a mother plant 7-8 months ago. It's a Critical by Royal Queen Seeds. I've taken clones from her 3 times so far (10-25 at a time) The last time was 3 days ago. I noticed when i was taking clones then (I took 12 at that time) that a few of the bottom old leaves were curling inwards (kinda like a taco) I just assumed they weren't getting enough light. (after all it has lived it's life under an old 120w LED light) When i looked at it tonight, it had gotten worst, and and some of the top/middle leaves are showing early signs of nute issues. (once again I'm assuming) when i planted it, i used Vigoro Organic potting soil, that i had mixed 50/50 with perlite in a 5 gallon bucket. The package states it feeds for 4 months, but i started giving it cheap Dyna-Gro after 2 months. Which has seemed to work really well for it up until now. (My other plants get the full Emerald Triangle line up) Anyways, I've uploaded some pics. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!! Maybe it's time to throw her in the flowering tent?

Thanks is advance!!
BTW the pic with the two leaves. The left is a bottom leaf, the right is from the center.



Well-Known Member
pop her out of the pot, and inspect root-ball. it may need pruning. if the tap root is coiling around pot, un-coil and remove the excess length.
I just ran 10 gallons of water threw her. That's gonna have to wait till she dries out a bit tomorrow. That actually makes sense though. The time before last when I took clones she exploded. (I took pretty much everything but the fan leaves.) within 3 weeks she was bigger than she was before the cuttings. If it is a root bound issue, how much do you take off. Do you think it'd be a good idea to pick up one of those fabric pots, that air prunes?


Well-Known Member
I just ran 10 gallons of water threw her. That's gonna have to wait till she dries out a bit tomorrow. That actually makes sense though. The time before last when I took clones she exploded. (I took pretty much everything but the fan leaves.) within 3 weeks she was bigger than she was before the cuttings. If it is a root bound issue, how much do you take off. Do you think it'd be a good idea to pick up one of those fabric pots, that air prunes?
the air bags get a lot of fungal growth on them on lengthy grows. beneficial fungi, but a mess all the same. root-pruning is easy.