Question Regarding Soil


Active Member
Would any type of organic potting soil from say homedepot work good or am I better off to buy from a headshop? Theres also what looks like a recently plowed corn field nearby my grow spot with no sign of life on it. Would that dirt be good to use or maybe combine with potting soil? I've heard potash from a wood fire is good too. Theres also deer in the area and ive heard dry blood and sprinkling human hair near the plant can repel them?

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Go to a Nursery and grab a few bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, they have all the good nutes in them and it should last 3 months without adding nutes, although most of us add Nutes throughout growing.
Anyways cut some holes on bottom of bag and bottom sides, use the smaller bags, one plant per bag, make small fence around plants and pee around area often to repel deer.


Active Member
Alright thanks but if I cant find this Fox Farm Ocean Soil any organic potting soil thats decently priced should work out good right? I never actually thought about planting it in the bag of soil, I was just going to dig a decently sized hole and put the soil in that, that way the roots have as much room as they need. Thanks for the pissing idea, thats alot easier than having to pull my hair out to repel all the deer.


Active Member
Another thing im wondering is, when I plant the clones how often should I make a trip to my spot to water them? I hear you dont water them the first day of planting anyway so considering its not a drought would once a week with a spray bottle be good?


Well-Known Member
There is no need to buy any hard to find or expensive soil,Home depot carries everything you need & it works just as well.

Get some premium potting soil,some premium top soil,a bag of masons sand & a bag of perlite,then mix this ratio.

Potting soil = 50%.
Top soil = 20%
Perlite = 20%
Masons sand = 10%

Mix it all up very well & you'll end up with a rich soil thats light & fluffy to where roots can get through very easily.


Well-Known Member
it's $10 a bag... and well worth it. I am using (1) bag of Fox Farm Happy Frog mixed with (1) bag of Fox Farm Ocean Forest per plant/hole. Check my thread for pics "My first outdoor grow PICS" in the outdoor growing section. Spend the money on good soil, it will pay off in the end.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Yeah stick with FF it has all the nutes your doing to need and your clones will not survive out in the wild they must be in a humidity dome or sprayed/mist several times a day. You can take a 2 litter cut in half and have two domes just plave over cuttings. Give them 5% air.
Water as needed starting at Transplant or planting let the roots get wet and happy.
Leave all leaves alone unless they are over 50% dead.