Question regarding heatsink/surface area QB288


Well-Known Member
Hi rollitup,

I have been looking at quantum boards for some time now and I have a question regarding thermal management on the QB288. The HLG QB288 is 6.833x11.25" = roughly 78 sq inch of surface area to dissipate the heat. At their website they state that it may require an heatsink or aluminum plate if running at 75+ watts.

I have found some nice boards with different dimensions. As I like the idea of bars these boards are 3.937x33.646" = roughly 133 sq inch of surface area to dissipate the heat. 133/78 = 1.705, so 70% more surface area.

Would this calculation also apply to the total watts used? Like 75x1.705 = roughly 125 watts without the need of an aluminum plate or heatsink.

Thanks guys

Rocket Soul

Well-Known Member
I wouldnt count on those calculations. Yes, they give you some indication but i wouldnt bank on them.

Depending on the design of the board (diode density, amount of copper trace etc) the board will have better or worse thermal properties. Its not as easy as just comparing surface area. Also hlg boards would probably do slightly better thermally than any alibaba board.

My best guess: that board is good for about 65w without heatsink based on our real life tests with Fotop boards.

Do you have a link for the board?


Well-Known Member
How warm are the boards supposed to be in optimal conditions?

The diode denisity is a lot less than the QB288, there are 301 LM301B's on it. I have just ran this board for 24 hours at 120 watts without heatsink, without airflow the board is getting warm to the touch but still able to hold it for unlimited amount of time. With very minimal airflow the board is slightly warm. Need to get an IR gun for accurate temps. These boards are mounted on 2020 aluminum profile so the profile also dissipates heat and acts as a kind of heatsink.

In my opinion there is air circulation in every grow room so I should be good, but to be sure I'd like your guys opinions.

Sorry no link available.