Question needs answer please.


Well-Known Member
An interesting thought just crossed my mind. Im renting my apartment and I am wondering if I can put locks on one of my 2 closet door. There are 2 identical closets side by side in my room. One has my cloths the other has my garden. There is no reason for anyone to look inside them. Its getting close to moving time and the landlord notified me that if I dont make up my mind my mid May he will be showing the apartment to prospective renters. This doesnt bother me what so ever. I run my lights during the night and leave the door closed during the day. If asked about it my excuse would be that I keep expensive personal belongings in it and I dont want anything to happen to them. Am I under any obligation if I do put a lock on it to remove the lock and show the people whats in it?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Well, depends alot on your rights as a renter in Lalaland - you should be able to discern these through some legal site in your state. Try googleing it & see where you stand - where we live I would think that it would be ok to secure a closet. Any smell to give you away?


Well-Known Member
Nope. No smell. Got that under control from the get go. Using a Ozone Jr generator that covers 1000 square feet in a 3ftx3ftx7ft closet :P

Dr Greene

Well-Known Member
Nope ur not obligated to unlock any locked belonging unless they have a valid search warrant, at least that is so in FL. Do sum research on ur local laws.