Question I've been Pondering for a While.


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking for a while now, how come there is a male and female to most things on earth that are living (plants, animals...etc)? how could that have possibly have happened in history? I mean, yes its possible to get a male and female human for example, but the odds for so many things to have the same characteristic is crazy, like creation was purposeful.


Well-Known Member
I can't decide!

But the malefemale question is interesting if you leave theology out of it.


Well-Known Member
It seems astounding, but no more such than creatures having two eyes “mostly”, or four appendages “mostly”. Although asexual reproduction is possible, and frequently happens, it doesn’t allow for the same diversity as sexual reproduction. Technically, a creature or plant that can reproduce asexually can impregnate or pollinate itself. Think of hermies in a cannabis plant. Much more stable, and robust genetics come from two living things sharing their genetics.
With that in mind each creature needs to excel in passing on it genetics. Think, crudely, of a giver and a taker. One excels at giving its genetics, while the other excels at taking foreign genetics. It makes sense that the better a creature is at one or the other the easier it is to become impregnated. However, the ability to do both increases the chance of self impregnating, which would cause more genetic anomalies to occur.
I’m not a scientist, but this is what makes sense to me.


It occurred because it had to. Male and female is a broad term. What defines a "male" seahorse is different that what defines "male" humans. But because there is DNA there is male/female. What other option did nature have? To perhaps put a second "B-type" vagina on women for the third kind of human to procreate with them? It's unnecessary, and in nature it seems that which is unnecessary is removed from the gene pool (see appendix.)

And as grim stated sex is required among most species to keep recessive, undesirable genes just that... recessed. This is true among all species. Male and female exists because sex must exist (in some way genetic code must be transfered) and sex must exist because DNA exists. So male and female exists because DNA exists.

So I would personally wonder not if male and female is the result of intelligent design, but if the complexities of DNA are.


Well-Known Member
Gender exists for genetic exchange and code repair.

I don't subscribe to, but like the theory that the genders were originally two viruses, one of which invaded the other. The two viruses have been duking it out ever since, X and Y chromosomes are just the most recent iteration of the struggle. Every encounter between them can be characterized as a battle, and the outcome of each battle is expressed as a differing phenotype. Every species can be seen as a military innovation on the part of one or the other virus in an eternal genetic arms race. . . . puff, puff, pass.


Well-Known Member
wonder what the first living thing to evolve a penis or a vagina was. must have been good times.