Question From Noob


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys I am getting a 5 gallon bucketeer hydroponics system which apparently grows huge plants! Should I get the recommended 105watt CFL and reflector or do you think I should go for a 150 watt HPS light???Oh and can I veg with HPS light???thanks for your help


Scientia Cannabis
105 watt isn't really a lot, neither is 150 watt, if you want to utilized the 5 gallon buckets fully you should get 250 watt minimum, preferably 400 watt and preferably HPS lights.
You can however grow with a 150 watt if you please.

Let me explain fully.

HPS is more 'powerful' than CFL with regards to light intensity and lumen output.
However CFL is cheaper to run, but not cheapest to buy if you are in the 250 watt - 400 watt ranges.

You can use a HPS light for vegging without problems, what is important is that you get a HPS bulb with a veg spectrum (blue light spectrum, around 6400 kelvin).
For flowering you should get a red light spectrum bulb (around 2700 kelvin).

I hope that helped a bit.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
go for the hps if you are able to provide decent ventilation and air flow (they get pretty hot ) otherwise go with the cfl , at the end of the day both lights will require cooling ,so if you get the cooling , ventilation , airflow sorted then go hps , and yes hps does great for vegging .