Question for you guys who smoke a lot of pot

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New Member
yes he smokes pounds of weed and its DISGUSTING NASTY weed too. he keeps it in glass jars and whenever he opens a jar it makes the whole entire apartment reek like a skunk that has been run over by a car.


New Member
oh and today he sat around all day doing nothing except smoking weed and listening to extremely loud music all day. so there was no chance for me to throw away his pot and now that he quit his job I will probably never get the chance. WHAT A FUCKING LOSER!!!


I'm thinking Jessica may need to learn to give better head. A little practice could solve all your problems. I'm willing to give lessons, only $30 an hour. I promise you'll ingest loads... of useful info.

when the fuck did comments like this become acceptable? :cuss:

Straight up G

New Member
I hope this dude bitch smacks your ass for touching his shit nothing he does gives you the right to destroy others property.
Sounds like you two are douche bag teens, your mans a wanna gangsta with the dream of being some big time drug baron now, when in fact hes a fucking tool smoking most of his product. No money being made from the hustle, you seem to be some little whiney bitch that probably makes him smoke just so he doesnt plant his foot in your spoiled little ass. Shut the fuck up and leave the little wanksta and do something with yourself like finish school and stop posting on a weed growing site. Please dont take any of this the wrong way, just real talk from someone thats seen this shit in the past! Oh yea I can hear the woman and men saying omg no he didnt say that she should get an ass whipping, fuck yea I did If my wife did some dumb shit like that best believe she would get a beat down just off principle! Lucky for her she knows fucking better than that to fuck with my shit!
He will never be as bigger drugs baron, ladies man and tough guy as you though, right?


Well-Known Member

only because I was baked on a sativa, was I able to read this whole thread.

very amusing. (not really.)
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