Question for the board


Active Member
The small oval leaves on the bottom of my plants are turning yellow and browish at the end. I just transplanted the two week old plants into bigger pots with Scotts Potting soil. Ph or nute problem? I'm not that worried because its not bad yet and they're really taking off but I don't want it to get worse.


Well-Known Member
The small oval leaves on the bottom of my plants are turning yellow and browish at the end. I just transplanted the two week old plants into bigger pots with Scotts Potting soil. Ph or nute problem? I'm not that worried because its not bad yet and they're really taking off but I don't want it to get worse.
Those two little oval leaves are the cotyledon leaves and they often go like that it's nothing to worry about. Keep an eye on the lowest true fan leaves and if they start to show signs of going the same way you might need to start thinking about giving it some Nitrogen or 8-2-6 N-P-K general vegetative nutrient feed. Start it on half recommended dose with 20% run off and slowly work your way up to maximum dose and see how it gets on.


Well-Known Member
You asked if it could be a ph or nute problem. What are your ph levels and what type of fertilizer do you use and at what strength?


Active Member
My ph is around 6.7-6.8 and I haven't feed them. I didn't want to give them fertilizer right after I transplanted them. So they have whatever food and nutrients that come in Scotts Potting Soil.


Well-Known Member
From what you said it could just be shock from being transplanted. Everything else sounds okay,