Question for the 2 week veggers


Well-Known Member
I know some of you like to do a 2 week veg then go right into flower from clone. For those of you who use this method can you please tell me what size pot you use for soil grows.

Can you use a 1 gallon pot from start to finish for a full 11 weeks ( 2 week veg and 9 week flower)? Seems like this would not be enough soil to me but I have not tried this method before. I know that 2 weeks vegging in 1 gallon wont create that many roots but can it handle another 9 weeks in flower? Seems like a stretch but what do I know. That's why I'm asking.

What would the best method be for vegging 2 weeks in soil? These are all 9 week phenos. Mainly kushes and skunks. This is what I've found so far:

1) one gallon from start to finish
2) one gallon then transplant to 2 gallon when flower (seems like extra work)
3) one and a half gallons from start to finish
4) two gallons from start to finish

Would be helpful to see which one is best. Thanks


Active Member
I just chopped a batch of NLB(100%indica)and I had both 1 gallon and 2 gallon Smart Pots with coco/perlite that they were in the entire time and they were very similar in size and yield. And none were root bound.