Question for bubbleheads


Alright well ive decided to use a bubbleponic system like the SH Expandable Kit except i dont hardly ever buy ready made supplies Im a DIY kinda guy. so i was wondering if anyone had some pictures of the inside and the components of the SH bubbleponic system it would be greatly appreciated. bongsmilie


Ok i was actually asking a more specific question than just how to build a bubblesystem. I was actually wondering if anyone on here had an actual SH bubble system and they could get some pictures. They dont list all the minute parts on the SH website. I am also curious how the pro2 reservoir works with the float valve and such components within it. I may just have to end up buying the system which i really don't want to do.


SH actually sells all the individual irrigation parts separately on their website, including the float valve and the parts for pro2 res / pro drainage kit. Now, of course you can source them cheaper from places like USplastic, and plumbing and pond stores have the black vinyl tubing for much cheaper than the hydro stores. In fact, nothing is hidden about the SH system. You spend enough time browsing the site and you will run into all the components you will need.