Question for 150 watt HPS growers


Well-Known Member
Sorry didn't know where to post this.

Question is, how hot does your 150 watt bulb get? I planning on getting a 150 watt hps kit, but I'm worried that it will produce too much heat in my little grow room. My grow room is 1x2x3(LxWxH). I have 8 26 watt cfls in there, and those alone keep the temps around 75-80 degrees.

Also how far away can the light be placed from plants (not seedlings or cuttings).

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
I'm interested to... I have two 18gal rubbermaids on top of eachother. I have two p.c. fans in it. One exhaust, one intake. One is 10v and one is 5v so the 5v isn't to strong, but the 10v is the exhaust at the top. Anyways... I just ran mine the other day having the light at the top and my thermometer at about mid level and i'm not sure if its wrong because it is a cheap thermometer but it was saying 95 degrees. It was at the correct temp earlier though. So... maybe it was just me. Would be curious to hear others inputs.