Question: First time using fish emulsion. When is best to use it? Veg or Bloom?


Well-Known Member
I love this stuff and use it in varying strengths from start to finish. I use good organic soil and fish emulusion and that is about it these days. I used it years ago and somehow or another had gotten away from it in recent years because I moved to Costa Rica and it was all most impossible to find. About 3 months ago a local ag store added it to their line up and I started a whole new program using next to the method had been using the past 4 years. The difference is remarkable IMHO. I start the plants off at 1/8 strength label directions at 2 weeks from seed and 3 from clone. I feed them once a week for 2 to 3 weeks depends on how the plants look, then increase to 1/4 strength the next feeding and half strength until 1/2 way through flower and then back down to 1/4 strength until about one week to harvest.
Good Luck growing and Merry Christmas

R. Duke

Great, i dont plan on using it as a stand alone fertilizer. Im probably going to pair it with Canna nutes. I have a great selection of products to pick from in the area so just about everything is on the shelves. And i will add it to my guano teas later in the flowering stage. I as well never reach full strength as the label says to. less really is more as the saying goes. I love Costa Rica. Some friends and i rented a couple cars down there in March and tore up Jaco and Tamarindo. The towns are fun at night and all but during the day we took the cars out to some remote off the grid beaches that really are amazing. thanks for the advice.