Question about the Attitude Seeds

I was wondering if anyone in a non-friendly marijuana state have tried getting seeds through attitude or not. They say they have discreet shipping but, idk how much I can trust that. Any input on if I should try or not?


Well-Known Member
Under most laws the purchase and ownership of seeds is legal its only the cultivation of said seeds that is against the law!
Attitude are very reliable, you can always get a stealth delivery if your worried (they wrap them in a t-shirt or with sweets etc)
I got a bag of this shit called sharksbreath at a festival and its the some of the stoniest bud I've ever had. And I just found it from DNA. HAHA but, sweet I'll check that out too.


Active Member
just have in mind that the xxxl tshirts are originally medium to large , if u are huge better take the wallet :p

Frito Bandito420

Active Member
I tried to order the other day. said the bank didn't accept my card. but I've ordered from another country before. wonder what the deal was. maybe cause it was on a Saturday?


Active Member
frito try now , u can either call attitude and check if ur card is working

the tshirts are cool , not the best quality of cotton t shirts but excellent for 10euros , i like the prints they are kind related to weed culture but never profound , i got the " fly high" , anyone else has it too ?


Well-Known Member
I have alot of their tshirts. My last one was with Hendrix that said supply the demand. Attitude is the only bank I've ever used. When you use their stealth shipping they claim what ever you got with your order at customs. Say you get a tshirt, that's what they claim they are sending you. Thet've come through for me every time.


Active Member
I don't live in an MJ friendly state. I ordered from Attitude. The are very professional and know their stuff. They also have a gauranteed delivery option for $11. Attitude is one of the main sponsors of RIU


Well-Known Member
It'll take a couple weeks so avoid going crazy and don't check the status every day. I'm sure you'll get them if you went stealth.


Well-Known Member
Ive had two orders snagged from Attitude. I use Herbies now. For the last two years, I've gotten every order, they have freebies and specials on there pick and mix,they stealth ship for free and so fuckin fast. Hemp Depot, flat out blows.


Active Member
I tried to order the other day. said the bank didn't accept my card. but I've ordered from another country before. wonder what the deal was. maybe cause it was on a Saturday?
Yes it was definitely because it was on saturday. Try it on a tuesday or wednesday. Usually on weekends your purchase will be "verified by visa" or something similar, because this is the prime time people use cards to gamble with on the internet, and the foreign transaction will raise a red flag.