Question about spraying newly transplanted plants


New Member
I just put my clone into a 5 gal. pot with nutrient rich soil 2 days ago. MY MAIN QUESTION IS THIS: The local grow store said I should only mist my plants ONCE A WEEK and only when the lights are off...IS THIS TRUE? or should I mist more or less often? and can the light be on?2nd day.png


Active Member
When lights are off for sure. I mist every other night after a watering. This is my first grow so I could be doing it way wrong.
I have only been doing this for about two weeks my plants are a little over a month old from seed.
My plants seem fine tho. I did make the mistake of misting once with lights on, I'll never do that again....


you can mist but shake the excess water off,why you don't mist with lights on because the water acts like a magnifying glass and can burn the leaves, as the clone gets older you mist more often patience is very important with mj after it gets a few more sets of leaves you can mist more,you can mist at night or in the morning before the lights go on.


Well-Known Member
i just trasplanted aswell and the soil is pretty wet outa the bag so i cantwater the soil, but was getting dry right before the trans so they need water but cant be watered.following? so i turned off the HID and misted with an anti stress additive,you can use one or not, lights wer off less than 4 hrs cuz i run 24/0.


New Member
IMO once transplanted into pots like yours i would prob not spray nothing on leafs only feed plants with out touching plant
reason why i say this is misting plants will raise your humidity and humidity in short attracts all kinds of insects , and disease also i might add you want the root system to grow and thats feeding roots strong root system = healthy plants

its like when you clone you mist for about a week keeping your medium moist but to induce rooting at a vigirious growth you need to bottom feed them so spraying water on bottom of tray forcing roots to water you can mist clones for ever it will grow and hardly root


New Member
Yeah, they DIDNT give me a reason to ONLY MIST ONCE A WEEK. Here is another question: I watered the day I put it into the soil (the 12th of this month, 2 days ago) the soil is dry for the first inch and a half, then the second inch and a half are semi-moist...Should I wait untill 3 inches down it is completely dry before watering again?


New Member
well i would stick to every 4 day feeeding schedule mark it on calender and stick with it depending on your light power that might be 2 short so 5 - 6 day intervals let them dry out pretty good before re watering always better to have a dry plant rather then soaking wet


New Member
Thanks for the advice. Well here is a problem: I only have a 75 watt Florescent. I am about to get a second one today (they are fifteen at walmart, and I am on a TIGHT budget....IS 150 watt for 1 plant enough????? And while keeping that lighting in mind, how much do you think I should water.


New Member
well depends on your medium pick up the pot if it seems light water if its medium let it go a day or so.
I am guessing keep it to every 5 days and you should be fine theres goin to be spurts where plant uptake will be more so you might have to change schedule


New Member
well depends on your medium pick up the pot if it seems light water if its medium let it go a day or so.
I am guessing keep it to every 5 days and you should be fine theres goin to be spurts where plant uptake will be more so you might have to change schedule
ok, ok...but the wattage is fine>? The medium is soil.


Active Member
to elaborate on drfever's comment on heat,misting and disease, i had a heat on a grow i just harvested. it was because of our weather this summer. even in my basement i had heat troubles. so i turned off one of my 600 w hps. with just one and a lot of ventilation, it was still 85 to 90 degrees. upon harvest, a couple colas had rot and mold. when a friend saw it he had once had the same problem. therefore i limit misting.