question about lighting and plant issues

Hi i have just recently put my plants into flowering and i just went out and got some new lights for the flowering they are as follows 100w equivelent CFL and actually use 26w they are rated 1750 lumens per bulb and are soft white 2700k i have three above and three below on 2 plants, and so my question is is this enough light and the right kind of light for flowering? also my plants seem sick here lately and they are very droopy towards the bottom and some of the newer growth and leaves are light green in the middle with dark green edges (wasnt getting good light at the bottom prior to tonight) have been feeding them MG all purpose plant food 1/4 strength and just switched over to MG Bloom Booster which is 15 30 15 P-K-N is that good for flowering stage i know i have heard some bad things about MG but i havent had any problems with it and this is a budget grow so i can only get what i can afford atm also i have been watering with distilled water because it is a neutral PH to see if issues were a PH issue or not but before that it was well water from the tap, one plant is about 1 foot to 1 foot and a half tall and he other is half foot tall now. i will post some pics of the setup and let me know what you think...and i will surely appreciate all the input...Thanks!!!
sorry if the pics are a little blurry if you would like to see specific pics of specific parts of the plants or grow room please let me know and i will do the bes t to get them for you also let me know what you think the sex of the plants are...Thanks
well looks like ya have male and a female and the little whit spots on leaves are your biggest prob friend ...i hate to say it but ya have leafe drop and that usally means ya have spider mites ......fuckin soldiers hard to kill but aza max is my salution for then fers...also i see ya have rockwool in the dirt if ya water and the rockwool dont dry but dirt does it will cause outer roots to dye and cause ya to start yellowing from bottom up and leaves begin to drop on touch
but i havent seen any and i have looked for them all i have seen are these pesky fruit fly's that are everywhere in my house they come from the rotting apples from the apple tree in my yard i try to keep them picked up but its near impossible could they be the culprit? rather then the spider mites? and can nute and ph issues cause any of the same symptoms?
hey here's a question and promise not to laugh but it crossed my mind that if i used a string of all red xmas lights together the little bulb kind wouldnt that help to add lots of red spectrum light to the mix could it work or even help? this should get some very interesting answers and im looking forward to hearing the reply's.