Question about hermies


Well-Known Member
Do hermie plants show both sexes on the same node, or are the staminate and pistils spread out over the plant with each node only showing one sign of sex?

The tops of my plants all show female for sure, hairs all over the place. However the middle part of the plant has what either appear to be a ball (not plural yet) or a swollen calyx that has yet to show it's pistils. 8 Days since light change, 2.5 weeks since pre-flowers showed up. My theory for the swollen calyx is that the light isn't pentrating well enough for the hairs to have shown yet.

Also am I correct in assuming that male pre-flowers show up as more than a single pre-flower, or does it develop the "spade" look as the 'flowers' develop?


Well-Known Member
I think you may indeed have a burgeoning hermaphrodite, that doesn't quite look like just a swollen calyx. Hermaphrodites could be called chimeras, because of the many different ways in which they express the hermaphrodism.


Well-Known Member
I think the seeds might have come from a hermie plant to begin with. Because it was some good lookin bud, but it's one of the few bags of good I've seen with seeds. I assume the grower had it go hermie on him and he just grew em out anyway.

Every seed I put down has hermied. I wonder if I should try to remove the pollen sacks with some tweezers or just let them all grow out with seed since they're all hermies anyway. Either way I'm taking these to the finish line as it's my first grow and it's more about learning and getting some decent smoke. Seeds will suck but I'll take it over nothing.


Well-Known Member
What happened to me was one of my nine girls herm'd on me while I was out of town. It pollinated all, but I wanted to see if I could get any bud off the hermie so I put it in my boy closet (a portable fabric closet). The girls are pollinated to different degrees, with the hermie's sister being most pollinated (they were right next to each other, outdoors). And the hermie stopped producing buds and eventually produced nothing but male flowers. I tried picking them off, it just produced more and more. So, eventually, I gave up. But, what I think is notable here is the following, the hermie was germed and grown under the exact same conditions as its sisters, and once it hermied, no one else was so inclined. Three of my girls, by the way, were the progeny of 5th generation clones of which one hermied and the grower missed them. Not a one of these plants showed any herm traits, either.