Question about electricity


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but me being a naive noob and not knowing about restrike time meant I may well have misdiagnosed restrike time as a blown fuse - by the time I've gone to the toolbox, got a fuse, unscrewed the plug, fitted the fuse and got it all plugged in again, 15 mins is up ;)

I think my 600 watt dimmable ballast only draws about 2.5 -3 amps. I could be wrong.
Amps = Watts / Volts


Active Member
Thanks guys!

As for why I was doing 24/0 not 18/6....there seems to be a raging debate on the internet about this. I don't claim to sit on either side of the fence. I was using 24/0 because it seems there are no actions that cannabis plants undertake in the dark that they dont undertake in the light - with the exception of stretching due to the absence of light.

Anyhow, I don't wish to draw into that debate now. As it happens I have switched to 20/4. Why 20/4 not 24/0? Saving a bit of money and allowing the *lamp* some downtime as advised in this thread. Why 20/4 not 18/6? Simply because of the times of day when I am able to access the garden to check and maintain, this is the best schedule for me.


Well-Known Member
I've got one of them somewhere lol. I would have no clue how to use it though, it was 35 years ago lol.
LOL Dawg...I just slide it up and down a few times then get frustrated and throw it in a drawer and get out a calculator


Well-Known Member
5.217 by my calculations if 115 volt supply. Just glad everything is working lol. And yes if a legal grow then electrical inspection is a great ideal. If illegal he better be a really good friend lol.
and that's if it's the sole thing plugged into that circuit, which I highly doubt it is.( Fans?)
Remember, and I know I may be obvious to some, but a different SOCKET, is NOT always a different circuit, in fact usually it isn't, some houses (old houses) even have circuits that feed two rooms. I lived at a house that actually feed two HOUSES off one main fuse panel ( I think it was a 200amp?) fuckin thing popped all the damn time, wanna toast something AND watch TV? Too bad! Bitch-ass cheap landlords....