Question about cloning


Hi Everyone,
I have a question... i'm doing cloning for the first time. This is my second grow and it is going very well so far. I got some rock wool plug things and soaked them in phd water and then got most of the water out of the rock wool cut the stemy leafy thing at an angle and used rooting gel stuff, put clones in rock wool and put a dome and lights on them. Today they are all looking pretty wilty. What did i do wrong and can i save what i already have going???? it's 73 degrees where i have the clone babies right now. and the water was a ph of 6.7


Active Member
well from my experiance rockwool sux, it doesnt hug the stem enough to close the air hole.
i like oasis foam. but if the clones are under 24 hour switch tghem to 18/6 i did much better with some dark.
also never let the dome dry out keep misting the inside it needs constant humidity.
let me know more of your setup and the ph should be closer to 6.0

Mr. Blue

Active Member
Clones often droop over for a day or 2 while rooting. They'll be fine. You did fine.
Keep misting them a couple/few time a day. You should see roots in 5-10 days.


Misting.. i haven't been doing that.. but i will now i hope i didn't add to much water to the rock wool just now... they seemed just damp but not moist. i will put the dome back on and mist. I had been using jiffy cube things. the guy at the hydro store said not to use them... i'm gonna have to go back and tell him he sucks!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have the same problem I cut clones today and most of them all wilted today looks really bad idk what im doing wrong my temps are 80 degree humid is 50-60% I mist the dome and leave it crack for a lil air flow I got a heat pad also so idk what the fuck is up. Im nervous right now I relly want at least 90% success rate but they just looking horrible + rep for goog info.
cut the tips to make the clone get the water to survive form the underside of the leaves, thats why you need to spray them with Ph'd water. Rockwool works fine for clones and just about anything else just have to know how to use it. and give them 4-14 days to show signs of life, they will look bad for a few days after, thats normal, just have patience.


Active Member
cut the tips to make the clone get the water to survive form the underside of the leaves, thats why you need to spray them with Ph'd water. Rockwool works fine for clones and just about anything else just have to know how to use it. and give them 4-14 days to show signs of life, they will look bad for a few days after, thats normal, just have patience.
100% what he said. and make sure you soak the rockwool in water of ph of 5.5. 6.7 is definitely too high. i wouldnt really worry about wiltiness its normal unless your humidity is low. ive had clones completely droop over but once they root they will start growing towards the light. clones need 80-95% humidity to be happy. it also helps to have a seedling heat mat underneath your dome tray. the roots will sense the heat and then grow down to it

p.s.. rockwool is fine i've never failed with it


Well-Known Member
100% what he said. and make sure you soak the rockwool in water of ph of 5.5. 6.7 is definitely too high. i wouldnt really worry about wiltiness its normal unless your humidity is low. ive had clones completely droop over but once they root they will start growing towards the light. clones need 80-95% humidity to be happy. it also helps to have a seedling heat mat underneath your dome tray. the roots will sense the heat and then grow down to it

p.s.. rockwool is fine i've never failed with it
I keep mine at 50-60% humid so it needs to be more towards 80-90%? Can someone confirm this thanks alot everyone +rep


Should the water i mist the them with be 5.5??? and by cutting tips do you mean the tips on the leaves... like in a V shape???


Active Member
yea you can use ph water of 5.5 but ive used mist at 6.8 with no difference really. works just the same for me. yes cut a 1/3 of each finger of the leaves off. this makes the plant slow down its vegetative production and focuses more energy on rooting


i will do that tomorrow as i am way to tired to go on tonight! thank you for replying! i phd the misting water to just around 6.0 see how that goes... the humidity is 82% now at 73 degrees i don't have a heating pad but i might invest in one... see how this goes first. Thanks again to everyone that replied.


Well-Known Member
Is high humid to much for the mothers cuz there all in the same place but I have a dome over the clones but the humidfier is in the same room as the clones and the mother is that bad for my moms? Thanks you guys for all your help.


Today the clones bottom leaves have turned yellow.... someone said thats normal it's the 4th day. Does this mean they are rooting??


Well-Known Member
Its my 3rd day and some of them are still wilting I hope they recover. No sign of roots yet :( Im going to check out al b fuct thread on cloneing cuz it seems like no one knows how to clone.


Active Member
I use an EZ cloner, works amazing. 30 at a time and 100%, all I add to RO water is clonex, superthrive, and leave water running for first 36 hours then cycle it. Are you cutting the tips of the larger leaves? first pic is three days old and second pic is right after cloning, without rooting gel



Well-Known Member
I use an EZ cloner, works amazing. 30 at a time and 100%, all I add to RO water is clonex, superthrive, and leave water running for first 36 hours then cycle it. Are you cutting the tips of the larger leaves? first pic is three days old and second pic is right after cloning, without rooting gel
Dame! They look good for 3 days apart. So I guess you buy the ez cloner from hydro store? And clonex to water etc Thats it? Dang cuz mine look horrible at 3 days Do you use a humid dome also? I might want to get when How much do they run? +rep for the help


Active Member
I dont use a humid dome, many people do just I never needed one. when you cut a big branch to clone off of, stick the whole branch/branches in a vase, of water so that the cut on the branch is submerged. Then stick it in the dark for at least 24 hours. trust me then after being in complete darkness for 24hrs then start cloning... I dont know why but it works. after you make your cuttings leave the water on (in the ez cloner)continuosly for at least 24 hrs before cutting back the water cycle.


Well-Known Member
I dont use a humid dome, many people do just I never needed one. when you cut a big branch to clone off of, stick the whole branch/branches in a vase, of water so that the cut on the branch is submerged. Then stick it in the dark for at least 24 hours. trust me then after being in complete darkness for 24hrs then start cloning... I dont know why but it works. after you make your cuttings leave the water on (in the ez cloner)continuosly for at least 24 hrs before cutting back the water cycle.
How many inches are your cuttings when you cut? And what type of medium are you using for clones. So you cut them and put them in a vase of water, then let them sit in the vase of water for 24hrs darkness or you put them in medium (ez cloner) for 24hr darkness and then start cloneing as for leaving the water on for 36 hrs? Dame those pics you can tell a difference just in 3 days. I got to get it down pack like that.


Active Member
I cut branches and leave in a vase, in the dark, overnight. then I make my clones after they been sitting all night. the pics of clones are the same size as when I took my cuttings. no grow medium whatsoever(I never use any) just stick the stem through the foam pads so that the cut stem barely sticks through the bottom, and run water pumps for the first 36 hours continuosly. sometimes I do use rooting gel but I put a drop on the top of the foam pad, on the bottom of the stem so as the foam gets wet gravity will slowly pull the gel and leach down onto the roots. get some superthrive though and use its every water change, stuff is amazing and will prevent any hermaphrodites


Well-Known Member
I cut branches and leave in a vase, in the dark, overnight. then I make my clones after they been sitting all night. the pics of clones are the same size as when I took my cuttings. no grow medium whatsoever(I never use any) just stick the stem through the foam pads so that the cut stem barely sticks through the bottom, and run water pumps for the first 36 hours continuosly. sometimes I do use rooting gel but I put a drop on the top of the foam pad, on the bottom of the stem so as the foam gets wet gravity will slowly pull the gel and leach down onto the roots. get some superthrive though and use its every water change, stuff is amazing and will prevent any hermaphrodites
Cool thanks bro I also found this thread hopes this help +rep