Question about a new problem


New Member

First post here, decided to get into the community a little bit.

I have four Beautiful plants. I have been using Maxsea 16-16-16 through Veg phase with VERY good results, quick growth, no discoloration at all, etc.

I DID just switch over to flowering nutes (Maxsea Bloom), and have been adding open sesame once a week, and guano (Previously N guano, now on to P guano) once a week as a top-additive.

I switched over to the flowering nutes about a week and a half ago, and I have some yellowing and dying leaves. The majority of the plant looks perfect, except for a handful of leaves on each plant that have yellowed/gotten weak/died and crinkly. (So I pulled the dead ones off, but left the yellow.)

almost all of the leaves that have died or turned yellow are on the interior of the plant, nearer to the stem.

I can post photos if my description isn't good enough. Any ideas?