Purply Kush


Active Member
So i am at the end of week 6. I am manipulating the dark period (longer) to make it finish quicker like around the beginning of week 8. I will cut the top off and finish flowering the bottom for a few weeks.

The 10 days countdown starts today



Well-Known Member
some of my leaves did that....thay curled at the top.... and hair grew on the side bottom part of the leaves....
should be fine.... i think its a heat issue when that happens...
i would give it two weeks atleast....and make sure you flush that baby.....
further along im doin 11light... 13hrs dark.... cause of heat and electrical costs....
lthe trichs real white still....


Active Member
I am trying to do 10hr light n 14hr dark.....just for a week and cut plant off. Than revert back to 13-14hr light/11-12 hr darkness, this would slow flowering down and help the lower buds mature


Well-Known Member
you cant get purple kush SEEDs. only clones are available since it is a medical strain from Northern Cali. the seeds are probally a fluke strain. I'm growing a P.K. clone right now outdoor, you by chance have any plant photos. Im going to take pics..


Active Member
NO this is bubba kush!!!! I put the title as "purPLY" kush.

I am so amazed by all the early purpling that shows in week 5ish!!!


Active Member
That purple is nice cheezey, i can't wait till i harvest it in a week.....50days flowering total.

But this is my question, if i cut half of the plant, will the other half continue to grow normally or will it be stunned.....i want to grow my lower bubds out.

If I regenerate.....would i have to flower for another 8 weeks if the lower buds have already been flowering for 4-5 weeks???


Well-Known Member
bubba onlyy need 50 days to flower???
news to me .... i was gonna go 60 days..
but sure u can cut the more mature buds and leave the smaller buds ...
but youl need to stilll have the fan leaves....
i guess if u wanted you could go back to veg if u want too.....
but id just cut it down and start a new gro


New Member
when I stated 6 weeks of flower....... thats 6 weeks after the 12 day transfer period.....or actually 56 days of 12/12 ( 7-8 weeks)